Patch Management Time Out

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Manual Patch Scan Failure: Scanning Timed Out


You are trying complete patch scanning manually. However, you cannot complete this task as you see the error 'Scanning Timed Out' on the screen.


This error may occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • Data is blocked by the firewall on the computer on which the Endpoint Central MSP server is installed
  • Scanning fails on computers running in remote offices
  • Multiple IP addresses have been enabled in the computer in which the Endpoint Central server is installed


To complete patch scanning manually, follow the resolutions given below:

  • Unblock firewall ports: Ensure that the following ports are added to the exception list of the firewall in the computer in which the Endpoint Central server is installed
    • 8040/8041: Used for agent-server communication and to access the Web console
    • 8057: Used to complete on-demand tasks like inventory scanning, patch scanning, remote control, remote shutdown and moving agents from one remote office to another

    Note: You will still have problems related to the firewall if the Group Policy is configured to not allow exceptions. To avoid these problems, you must modify the GPO accordingly to allow the Endpoint Central MSP agents to communicate the Endpoint Central MSP server using the port number 8040 that is the default port. You may also use any other that you have configured while installing the Endpoint Central MSP server.

  • Ensure that computers are switched on and the Endpoint Central service is running: If the scanning has failed for computers in remote offices, complete the following tasks:
    • Check whether the computers are switched on and running when the scanning is in progress
    • Ensure that the 'ManageEngine Endpoint Central MSP-Remote Control' is running in the client computers
  • Eliminate issues that arise because of multiple IP addresses: When the computer, in which the Endpoint Central server is installed, has multiple IP Addresses, like a virtual adapter or two NICs, disable them

Applies to: Patch Scanning, Manual Patch scanning, Patch Scanning Failure, Scanning Timed Out

Keywords: Scan Patches, Patch Scan Failure, Scan Patches Manually

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