MSP Endpoint Management tools

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Endpoint Management Tools for MSPs

There is a tremendous growth in the SMB market space. So many people are now intended towards starting their own company and the startup culture is probably at its best right now. With a survey of 300 SMBs in U.S., 31 percent doesn’t know the best suitable way to use technology to help their business bloom. This is where managed IT service providers (MSP) come into the picture. These MSPs outsourcing their services by handling technological requirements of the client organisation(s) on a proactive basis.

What are MSPs? What are the key problems they intend to solve?

MSP or Managed Service Provider is a company that provides services on a proactive basis to a client. Clients can belong to any domain such as infrastructure, retail, education, etc. What's common among them is that these companies have limited in-house IT capabilities, so they view an MSP's service offering as a way to obtain IT expertise. In short, MSPs are IT support businesses. They achieve these goals through the help of several products such as Endpoint Management tools, RMM tools, PSA solutions , AV software, etc. However, larger enterprises may also contract with MSPs.

Key problems MSPs intend to solve are:

  • 24*7 support/monitoring/management
  • Maintaining IT costs through IT asset management
  • Network Security
  • Proactive prevention of IT problems
  • Integration of multiple IT tools

What is Endpoint Management for MSPs?

Endpoint Management is the process of tracking, monitoring, and managing endpoints(desktops, laptops, mobile devices, servers, etc.) for multiple customers. It is provided by MSPs through an exclusive MSP endpoint management tool which by any standards is the most important tool for any MSP. Endpoint management was needed because of the ever-growing complexities of network infrastructure in the modern world. The benefits of technology for businesses and severe impact of downtime made way for a new era of MSP endpoint management tools. Leveraging endpoint management from an MSP can help a business to focus on its core aspect and flourish in the market.

What does an endpoint management tool do? Which aspects of the MSP business do it cater to?

An endpoint management tool is deployed with the help of an agent. It’s a tiny software footprint that’s patched to all the endpoints of the IT infrastructure. Agents feed information relating to computer and network health.  In the event an agent detects a problem, a ticket (alert) is created and sent to the IT team for prompt action. Endpoint management toosl also offer add-on services like antivirus and BCDR solutions to protect and recover data By using powerful endpoint management tools, MSPs are able to manage more problems and more stakeholders with ease. In best case scenarios, issues are dealt with even before they can cause any sort of damage to the network. MSPs can automate repetitive IT tasks, leaving more time to focus on core duties. Cut down travel costs, faster customer service, and a unified dashboard to do it all.

What other tools do a MSP need?

  • Recovery And Backup
  • Security
  • Anti-Virus and Anti-malware
  • PSA Software
  • RMM software

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