How to create a custom group for policy deployment management?

The purpose of a custom group is to facilitate the deployment of a policy to a bunch of endpoints, where you can add multiple endpoints to a single custom group, thereby aiding the policy deployment management. Bulk deployment improves policy distribution to various endpoints across the network and reduces the time and effort spent on individual policy deployment.

With a sound policy in hand, it is only effective when such policy is deployed in bulk to a group of computers belonging to users, who require the same data classification and data loss prevention techniques.

There are two types of custom groups supported in Endpoint DLP Plus.

Custom groups are created by following the steps explained below

  • Step 1

    On the product console Admin tab, navigate to the Custom Group under the Global Settings section and select Computer under Create New Group.

  • Step 2

    Enter the Group name and provide a description(optional). Amongst the options Static, Static Unique, and Dynamic choose the one that suits your needs. To create custom groups (both static and static unique) manually, select Assign Manually under the Membership section.

  • Step 3

    For Dynamic Custom Group, select the criteria for assigning the computers from the drop-down.

  • Step 4

    For Static and Static Unique custom groups, select the computers under the Available Computers section and move them to the Added Computers section, either by drag-and-drop or selecting the move-to-right option.

  • Step 5

    Once the computers are added, click Create Group to create the custom group.

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