Notification templates

Notification templates offer the flexibility to specify the recipients of the email, the message to be sent, and the module for which the notifications should be sent. Since these templates can be used in as many notification profiles as needed, they help standardize the process of sending notifications.

You can send customized notifications via email to update anyone when a report is generated or an orchestration operation is executed.

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab > General Settings > Notification Templates.
  2. Click the Create Notification Template button at the top right corner.
  3. Enter a suitable name and a short description for the template being created in the Template Name and Template Description fields.
  4. In the Module field, choose from the given modules (Reports or Orchestration) for which this template will be used. When the selected event occurs, a notification will be sent regarding the event.
  5. In the Notify via drop-down, select the mode in which the notification must be sent.
  6. Enter the details of the email in the Email tab.
    • In the Mail To field, enter the email address of the recipients to whom the notification must be sent. You can use the Choose link to add the account you are currently logged in with.
    • In the Subject field, enter a suitable subject for the email.
    • In the Message field, enter the message that you wish to send to the users. You can also specify the details related to the action, such as the report generated or the orchestration operation executed, the time at which the action was performed, the technician who performed the action, etc., using the macros listed under the Message field.
    • For example, if you wish to send: "Hi John, Amber has generated a report 'newly added user' action in the tenant," you can specify these details in the message field using the macros, as: "Hi User Name (macro), Technician Name (macro) has performed the Action Title (macro) action."
  7. Click Preview to view the email structure, or click Save to save the template.

Once you have created a notification template you can view:

To edit the created notification templates, click the icon-edit icon in the Actions column next to the desired notification templates you wish to edit.

To delete notification templates, click the icon-delete icon in the Actions column next to the desired notification template you wish to delete.

To create a copy of the notification template, click the icon-copy icon in the Actions columns next to the template you wish to copy. Provide a name for the copied template. Click Copy.

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