Organization Attributes

Identity360 allows you to add or remove values for attributes based on the needs of your organization. This section will guide you on the steps to create and assign values to the these attributes.

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab > Management Settings > Organization Attributes.
  2. Click the Add Attributes button located at the top right corner.
  3. In the Attribute Name field, provide a suitable name, and click the Description link to add a short description about the attribute.
  4. Provide the values the attributes can hold in the Attribute Values field.
  5. Choose the object type from the Object Type drop-down menu.
  6. In the Associated Directory/App section, choose the directory or app from the appropriate drop-down menu, and select the directory's associated attribute for which the values are to be limited based on your input.
  7. Click icon-add-green to add more attributes and click icon-close-red to delete an attribute.
  8. Click Add.

To edit the created attributes, click the Edit Icon icon in the Actions column next to the desired attribute you wish to edit. Click Update once the changes have been made.

To delete the created attributes, click the Delete Icon icon in the Actions column next to the desired attribute you wish to delete.

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