All Users

This page allows you to view all users present on directories configured in Identity360. You can create, manage, and search for users with the intuitive tools provided in the console.

To learn how to import user accounts from other directories and applications, click here.

You can perform the following operations from this page:

User creation and modification

User creation in Identity360 is carried out through templates. Identity360 comes with a predefined User Creation System Template. You can also create your own templates with a list of attributes of your choice. To learn how to create a new user creation template, click here.

Create a single user

  1. Navigate to Universal Directory > All Users.
  2. Click Create New User.
  3. Select the directory to which you want to add the user.
  4. Select the required user creation template.
  5. Enter the required details.
  6. Click Create.

Manage users

  1. Navigate to Universal Directory > All Users.
  2. Select the user(s) you want to manage.
  3. To enable or disable the selected user(s), click icon-enable or icon-disable above the list.
  4. To delete the user(s), click icon-delete-users above the list.
  5. You can also perform additional operations such as resending activation emails, adding or removing users from groups, creating users in other applications, deleting users from applications, and more by clicking the icon-more icon.
  6. To terminate a user's individual Azure AD session, open the User Details page by selecting the user. Then click on More > Terminate Session.
  7. Note: Only the sessions of synced users from Azure AD can be terminated.

  8. In the Terminate User Session page, click Terminate Session.
  9. Once the session is successfully terminated, the user will be logged out of Azure AD.

Limitation: Terminating an Azure AD session will only revoke the refresh token of the user who is logged into Azure AD through a mobile device. The existing access token given to the mobile will remain valid for 1 to 1.5 hours. After this period, the device will try to obtain a new access token by using the now-expired refresh token, resulting in the mobile session being revoked. By default, the access token will be valid for 1 to 1.5 hours, but this duration can be extended up to 24 hours in Azure AD by the administrator.

Create users in applications

  1. To create existing Identity360 users in other applications (not directories), click the Create Users in Apps option from the dropdown menu.
  2. Select the required users from the All Users list and click Go.
  3. In the Create User page that opens, select the application you want to create the user in and the template you want to use. Click the icon-enable icon.
  4. Now, configure the password settings. You can either choose to generate a random password or create your own custom password. Click Apply.
  5. The password will be applied. Click Create.
  6. You can see that the user has been created with the password selected.
  7. If it says Action is yet to be executed under the Provisioning Status column, go to Jobs. You will see that the Management: Bulk App Users Creation task is running. Once it is completed, the status will say Creation successful.
  8. The user account will now be created in the selected application.

See the license information of users

See the number of purchased, consumed, and available licenses by clicking License Info at the top-right corner. It also shows the number of licensed and unlicensed users. You can learn about managing your Identity360 licenses by clicking here.

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