Risk Posture

A company's overall capacity to identify and respond to risks is referred to as its risk posture. It entails inspecting every aspect of a company's network and identifying potential vulnerabilities. All users, network elements, and any information that may be stored but is at risk of being hacked are included. It also involves examining current security practices and software to assess how well they can fend off attacks.

Active Directory Edit Compliance

Risk Posture

Run Analysis Schedules:

Rule Status and its definitions

Low/No Risk

Low/No Risk

This status informs that the selected source's configurations have met the Recommended / User set compliance value as per their norms.

High Risk

High Risk

This status informs that the selected source's configurations have not met the Recommended / User set compliance value as per their norms.

Unable to Verify

High Risk

This status informs that the log360 server was unable to fetch the required data needed for analyzing the specific rule. It can be due to the following reasons.

Troubleshooting Steps for Unable to Verify Status:

Active Directory

Possible Reasons for the status "Unable to verify" as follows:

  1. Insufficient Domain Details
  2. Access Denied for SYSVOL Folder.

Insufficient Domain Details:

This error occurs when the domain details or credentials haven't been synced properly while integrating with child components.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Access Denied for SYSVOL Folder:

This error occurs when a log360 installed machine was unable to access the SYSVOL Folder of the domain controllers of selected domain. This restriction was made by Microsoft after 2015.

Kindly Make sure the SYSVOL Folder (C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol) of the domain controllers has been shared to the User with which the domain is configured.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Using GPO of log360 installed Machine's Domain:


Using Local Security Policy Editor:


Execute the below command in Command Prompt as Administrator in Log360 installed Machine:

%COMSPEC% /C reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkProvider\HardenedPaths /v "\\*\SYSVOL" /d "RequireMutualAuthentication=0" /t REG_SZ

After these trouble shooting Steps, Go to Compliance → Risk Posture → Active Directory, and click Run Now button