Think you're an expert in
California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) expert?

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to get at least seven out of the eight questions correct!
Stronger security starts with Log360
ManageEngine Log360 can help your organization comply with the CCPA, strengthening your defenses against cyberattacks, data breaches, and identity theft.
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Q:1 xWhere is the CCPA applicable ?
→Choose the correct answer
Q:2xWhat companies does the CCPA apply to?
← →Choose the correct answer
Q:3xWhat is the "right to be forgotten" that's granted to consumers under the CCPA?
← →Choose the correct answer
Q:4xA consumer has requested that a business delete all the information it has on them.
What should the company's first step be?
← →Choose the correct answer
Q:5xWhich of the following are rights of consumers under the CCPA?
← →Choose the correct answer
Q:6xHow much can individuals sue companies for in the event of a data breach?
← →Choose the correct answer
Q:7xWhat is the maximum fine that can be imposed on a company for violating the CCPA?
← →Choose the correct answer
Q:8xWhich of these would be the best way to assess file integrity under the CCPA?
←Final Step
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You have got out of 8Stronger security starts with Log360
ManageEngine Log360 offers UEBA to help strengthen your defenses against cyberattacks, data breaches, and identity theft.
Free e-book: Understanding UEBA Try Log360