Estimate the potential ROI
you can achieve by implementing Log360

Calculate ROI
  • What's your name?

    Please fill your name
  • Which industry do you work in?

    1.   Healthcare
    2.   Financial services
    3.   Retail
    4.   Utilities and energy
    5.   Manufacturing
    6.   Insurance
    7.   Telecommunication
  • What's the size of your organization?

    0 - 500
  • How many sensitive records do you process in total?

  • How many security incidents did you face in the last 12 months?

  • How many analysts are currently working on the investigation and response of such security incidents?

  • How many hours does a single analyst spend in a forensic investigation per incident?

  • How much does your company currently spend on security solutions? *

    1.   25,000 - 60,000
    2.   60,000 - 100,000
    3.   100,000+
  Continue Calculate ROI
Please fill your name
Please choose an option.
Please choose an option.
Please choose an option.
Value must be greater than or equal to 2
Value must be greater than or equal to 2  
Value must be greater than or equal to 2
Please choose an option.
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  • Name
  • Industry
  • Org
  • Sensitive Records
  • Incidents
  • Analysis
  • Hours
  • Spend

Your results

Return on
security investment
How? × Log360 helps you detect potential threats and proactively respond to them. The built-in automated reports make complying with various regulations a breeze, reducing the total financial impact caused by non-compliance.

Possible financial impact of a breach at your organization


Cost of labor saved by implementing Log360

How? × Log360 follows a simple and straightforward pricing model. You get charged for the number of devices you want to monitor, not the volume of logs, which keeps the price predictable. The solution is suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Cost saved by implementing Log360

How? × Log360 helps your security teams quickly detect and respond to security incidents with minimum effort. By automating incident response, your team can focus on finding the root causes to prevent such incidents from happening again.

See the ROI Breakdown

  • I would like to request a demo with Log360's product experts
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