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SharePoint Online Auditing Tool

SharePoint Online lets you share critical data for collaboration both inside and outside your organization. However, this means that your user access levels need to be defined and secure. Enterprise environments are vast, which makes securing them a challenge.

M365 Security Plus makes it easy to enforce security and stay in control of your SharePoint Online environment. It generates audit reports to keep your organization compliant and prevent security breaches.

Stay up to date on security and permissions-related activities

SharePoint Online Auditing Tool

Best practices for securing Microsoft 365 environments are often overlooked. Permissions that need to be revoked are left unchanged, increasing the risk of a data breach. Audit reports generated with M365 Security Plus let you track all security and permissions-related changes, as this data can be proof of a security breach in the environment.

  • Site permission changes: Track any modification made to a site’s permissions. You can also compare site permission levels before and after they have been modified.
  • Request for administrator privileges: View which users have requested administrator permissions for site collections.
  • Sharing policy changes: Enable or disable site sharing. Keep track of the sites that have sharing policies turned on or off.
  • User group changes: Track SharePoint objects and groups that have been modified, deleted, or renamed. Monitor users who have been added to or removed from a group.

Audit your SharePoint Online environment at every level

With M365 Security Plus' granular-level auditing, you can look up audit changes separately for site collections and for sites. View audit changes made to any site collection such as creation, user addition or removal, and requests for administrator permissions. You can also view audit changes such as renaming sites and enabling RSS.

Get a full overview of all changes made to your files and folders

SharePoint Online Auditing Tool

Data breaches are either the result of human error or malicious intent. This means that it's crucial to monitor files and folders that contain sensitive information in order to secure your Microsoft 365 environment. M365 Security Plus lets you track all the events for any file in your environment. Monitor events including check in or out, copy, move, modify, rename, restore, download, upload, and delete.

Keep an eye on external users and their activities

With Microsoft 365, you can easily collaborate on data with people outside of your organization, which can make critical data vulnerable to security attacks. M365 Security Plus' audit reports let you monitor external users and the content they have access to. This information helps you manage their permission levels on sensitive data.

  • Shared invitations, files, and folders: Track changes such as creation, acceptance, or withdrawal of shared invitations, and revoke access to shared files or folders.
  • Anonymous links: Track users who have created, removed, updated, or used an anonymous link to a resource. Since anyone with this link has access to this resource and no authentication is required to access it, monitoring anonymous link-related activities is a must.

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