
Free Mobile Apps

Ping, monitor and troubleshoot network devices on the go using ManageEngine's Free Mobile Apps.

Free System Tools - Free Android app

Start managing computers in your network even while you're on the move using this free Android app. Our app helps you perform daily tasks, like identifying and managing software in your network, fetching system information, and performing tasks on remote computers, all right from your smartphone.

  • Get complete details on computers in your network including system name, manufacturer, RAM, operating system, and more.
  • Identify software in your network.
  • Remotely uninstall software in your network.
  • Discover all tasks running in your network.
  • Instantly kill tasks remotely.

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Free System Tools

Free WiFi Monitor Plus

Watch your android device metamorphose into a WiFi Monitor. ManageEngine's free WiFi Monitor Plus Android App is a monitoring app that enables you to watch out for any pitfalls in your WiFi network.

  • Get two modes viz Analyzer and Surveyor which can be used for monitoring WiFi networks and reporting its performance across the environment respectively.
  • Scan your environment and take stock of all the available WiFi signals with clolor codes representing the signal strength.
  • Analyze and understand the underlying factors affecting the performance of your WiFi networks. The tool lets you zero in on the root cause
  • Identify the strongest signal from the signal graph that shows the strengths of each signal present in your network. Spot the interfering channels from the channel interference graph and eliminate the disturbances in your network.
  • Get the live channel graph widget along with this app and enjoy monitoring the channel graphs without having to invoke the app.
  • Upload your own floor plans, survey multiple locations on a site for signal strength, record the WiFi performance, and generate and export survey reports from your device. Heatmap reports of the site surveys enable you to size up the network coverage of the access points at different locations.

DownloadLearn MoreWiFi Monitor Plus Android App - Scan to download from Google Play

SNMP Android App

Server Monitoring & Configuring Mobile Apps

Managing servers is indomitable to keeping the business running. ManageEngine offers mobile Apps to monitor and configure servers remotely.

Windows Server Monitor - iPhone App

An iPhone is all you need to monitor and configure your Windows servers on the go! ManageEngine's Free Windows Server Monitor is a real-time iPhone app that monitors servers in a non-intrusive, agent-less way.

DownloadLearn MoreWindows Server Monitor iPhone App - Scan to download from Google Play

Windows Server Monitor iPhone App

Server Health Monitor - Android App

ManageEngine Server Health Monitor helps remote-monitoring of all the Windows services. Connect to Windows devices on your network using Wi-Fi and get a list view of services running on them.

DownloadLearn MoreServer Health Monitor Android App - Scan to download from Google Play

Server Health Monitor - Android App
Features Windows Server Monitor
- iPhone App
Server Health Monitor
- Android App
Monitor server availability - Using ICMP Ping
View the list of services, along with their status, running on each server
Configure status of services - Start/Stop/Restart
Change the startup mode - Auto/Manual/Disable
Shutdown/Restart Windows servers remotely
Mark critical servers as favorites for easy location

Free SNMP MIB Browser Android Tool

Turn your Android phone into a powerful network troubleshooting device. ManageEngine's Free SNMP Android App is a SNMP utility that enables communication with various agents and devices on a computer network from your phone.

  • Use SNMP to query the standard system variables. SNMP Android App comes pre-loaded with RFC-1213 MIB and let's you load other external MIB's.
  • Perform SNMP walk on devices. SNMP Android App is enabled to query SNMP agents of all versions (v1, v2c and v3)
  • View the complete list of all scalar groups and tables of MIBs loaded with a single touch
  • Configure agent parameters and fetch system variables securely over internet with SNMP v3 encryption
  • Leverage the support for HMAC algorithms like MD5, SHA for authentication and DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 encryption for SNMPv3 communication

DownloadLearn MoreSNMP Android App - Scan to download from Google Play

SNMP Android App

Free iPhone Ping Tool

Optimize your iPhone into a useful network monitoring utility. ManageEngine's Free iPhone Ping App is ICMP utility that enables you monitor availability servers, desktops other network devices on the go from your iPhone. Here is a quick demo of iPhone Ping App.

  • Monitor up to 25 hosts simultaneously using ICMP ping. Color codes help identify whether the monitored devices are up and running
  • Traceroute websites, servers and other network devices on the go.
  • Keep a tab on the important network parameters like RTT (time-to-live), RTT
    (round-trip-time), Minimum/ Maximum / Average trip time and more
  • Monitor the changes in response times with intuitive time series graphs
  • Fetch the DNS records and SSL certificate details of websites from your iPhone.
  • View the open ports in your network devices. This app comes preloaded with options to scan custom ports and ports over a selected range
  • Get whois details to view the registered details of the given domain name
  • Generate and share reports of every view from within the app
  • Favourite the servers to monitor the critical servers in isolation

DownloadLearn MoreiPhone Ping app - Scan to download from iTunes

Free iPhone Ping Tool

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