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iOS and Android apps to manage Active Directory computers

The iOS and Android apps for ADManager Plus allow you to experience ultimate freedom and ease in managing your Active Directory (AD) computers. These apps ensure you are not stuck to your chair, and allow you to be in control of AD even when you're on the move!

The apps offer computer reports that can be generated in just a few taps on your mobile screen, without the need to write PowerShell scripts. Furthermore, computer management operations can be performed right from these reports.

All computers

This report lists the details of all the computer objects present in your AD. You can also perform management actions such as disable, reset, delete, and more on specific computers right from this report.

Disabled computers

The disabled computers report fetches the details of those computer accounts that have been disabled. You can select computers from this list and enable them, if required.

Inactive computers

This report generates a list of the computer accounts that have been inactive for a specified time period. You can disable or delete these accounts to prevent unauthorized access, as deemed fit.

ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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