Developer provisioning profile detected in IPA


You get the error message "Developer provisioning profile detected in IPA" while trying to upload an IPA File to distribute an app.

Note: This error is applicable only for iOS Enterprise Apps.


This is shown when the IPA file is signed with a developer profile. Such apps can be installed only on developer feature enabled devices.


You can resolve this by contacting your application developer and suggesting to sign the app with a Distribution profile. This is because, an app can be distributed to users only if it is signed with a valid Distribution Provisioning Profile (Ad Hoc or Enterprise). It is recommended to use Ad Hoc distribution profile as it is almost identical to App Store profile. Refer Creating Ad Hoc Distribution Profile, to know more about creating an Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile.

Applies to: Developer Certificate Detected, App distribution, Distribution Provisioning Profile

Keywords: Developer Provisioning Profile, Distribution Provisioning Profile, App Distribution, Mobile Device Management.

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