Scanning time out


You are trying to scan a mobile device or execute the security commands like corporate wipe, remote wipe, lock the device, clear passcode etc, and you get an error message "Scanning time out"


While you scan your mobile device, or while trying to execute a security command, the scanning session might time out due to the following reasons.

  • Connectivity issues between APNs and the managed mobile device.
  • Connection issues between the mobile device and the Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP server.


Ensure that the managed device is always reachable through internet. In case of lack of network connectivity, the APNs will not be able to reach the managed mobile device or the Device might not be able to reach the Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP server. This might cause the delay in response and result in session time out issues.

Applies to: Scanning Time out, Distributing Apps, Associating Profiles

Keywords: Scanning, APNs, Connection timeout, mobile device management.

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