Unable to add domain


You are trying to add domains in Mobile Device Manager Plus. You have selected the network type as Active Directory and specified all the required information. However you are unable to add the domains.


The reasons for this error could be one of the following:

On-Premises AD

Entra ID(formerly Azure AD)


On-Premises AD

You are required to identify the cause for this problem and follow the relevant solution from the list given below:

Incorrect name of the domain

Correct spelling errors, if any, in the domain name, domain contoller name and the AD domain name that you have specified.

Incorrect administrator credentials

Ensure that the credentials that you have specified have administrative rights in all client systems.

Invalid user
  • Ensure that the domain user name you have specified has administrator privileges for the specified OU and domain.
  • Check the password which you have specified, for errors related to case and spelling. 
Inaccessible domain controller
    • Ensure that the specified domain controller is accessible. The reasons why the domain controller could be inaccessible are as follows:
      • Network failure (contact your IT administrator)
      • Computer in which the domain controller has been set could be switched off
      • Active Directory is not running in the domain controller
    • Check if the Active-Directory domain that you have specified is correct. To check this information, follow the steps given below:
      • Click Start->Run.
      • Enter cmd.
      • Enter set u.
      • Click Enter.

      You will see the following information:

      • USERDNSDOMAIN= Domain name of the Active Directory
      • USERDOMAIN= Domain name
      • USERNAME= User name
      • USERPROFILE= Profile of the user
    • Check if the domain controller name that you have specified is correct. To check this information, follow the steps given below:
      • Click start->Run.
      • Enter SET LOGONSERVER.
      • Press Enter.

      Note: Ensure that you check for the right domain-controller name in the computer that belongs to that domain.

      You will see the term LOGONSERVER on the screen. This is the name of the domain controller.

NOTE: If the server is in a DMZ, ensure it is accessible to the managed devices.

Entra ID(formerly Azure AD)

MDM requires Administrator authorization grant to access this Entra ID(formerly Azure AD)
  • Verify whether the user name and password is correct.
  • The user needs to grant access to MDM for viewing the AD. If you're using Azure on a free subscription account, Entra ID(formerly Azure AD) cannot be added, even if granted access as explained here.



Applies to: Mobile Device Manager Plus Installation,Installation failure, Add Domains 

Keywords: Install Mobile Device Manager Plus, ME MDM App Installation, Add Domains 

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