Device Maintenance 

Maintenance constitutes post-deployment activities such as asset inventory management, scanning of devices, remote troubleshooting etc. MDM has a centralized dashboard which provides you with a high level of data about all managed devices. 

Updating the device information on the MDM server requires the devices to be scanned regularly. The devices are scanned immediately on enrollment and then can be scanned either manually or automatically. In case of automatic scan, you can have the scanning scheduled to suit your need.

The device details include basic details of the device such as the warranty expiry, IMEI number etc, as well as the apps/certificates present on the device.

All these details can be exported as CSV, XLS or PDF file formats. Similar to scanning, you can also have the reports automatically generated and sent as an e-mail. MDM provides you with 10+ pre-defined reports such as the list of inactive devices, apps installed on the devices etc. Further, you can have custom reports generated based on particular the needs of your organization. Refer to this for more details about asset management

The most important aspect of device maintenance is troubleshooting. However, with more organizations becoming mobile-first, there has been a steep rise in troubleshooting requests. Responding to these via e-mail is tedious but so is the gaining possession of the device and then troubleshooting it. MDM provides you with the perfect solution for this case, with its remote troubleshoot feature. You can know more about Remote Troubleshooting here

Further, you can also know the current location of the managed device or view the list of locations traversed by the device over a period of time. You can know more about location-related features here

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