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iOS Device Management

With ManageEngine MDM providing a whole suite of options for iOS device management, there are high chances you might not know what is the most ideal option for enrolling iOS devices. Here, we'll see what are the various options for iOS device management available in MDM.

iOS device enrollment

The two major types of device management are:

Container Management

Ideal for personal devices, whereby you can have full control over the corporate space without managing the personal space. This especially useful for BYOD whereby the IT admins manage the workspace while having zero control over the personal space. Devices can be provisioned under container management when enrolled via Enrollment via invite or Self Enrollment.

Advantages of Container Management
  • Secure corporate resources from unauthorized access
  • Prevent unauthorized data sharing
  • Pre-configure basic settings such as Wi-Fi, E-mail on the device.

Complete Device Management

Ideal for corporate devices, with the organizations getting to exercise full control over the device in addition to all the aforementioned benefits of containerization. This done when the device is enrolled using Apple DEP or Apple Configurator.

Advantages of Complete Device Management

Comparison between policies supported by devices

Passcode  Supported Supported
Restrictions  Supported  Supported
Wi-Fi  Supported Supported 
Virtual Private Network(VPN)  Supported Supported 
E-Mail  Supported Supported
Exchange ActiveSync(EAS)  Supported Supported
Kiosk  Supported  Not Supported
Managed Web Domains  Supported  Supported
Web Content Filter  Supported Not Supported
Web Clips  Supported Supported
Wallpaper  Supported Not Supported
AirPrint  Supported Supported
Global HTTP Proxy  Supported Not Supported
Certificate  Supported Supported
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol(SCEP)  Supported Supported
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP)  Supported Supported
CalDav  Supported Supported
Subscribed Calendars  Supported Supported
CardDav  Supported Supported
Access Point Name  Supported Supported
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