Excluding Mobile Device Manager Plus(MDMP) from anti-virus scan


This document explains the impact of the anti-virus solution while scanning MDM and related folders..


MDM Server and its dependents such as Secure Gateway need to be excluded from the anti-virus scan to ensure hassle free functioning. MDM performs various operations like creating .xml files, .7zip files, extracting them and performing various tasks by executing scripts, .bat files and .exe files . Anti-Virus solutions in general, block these functions. The following are the consequences of the anti-virus blocking MDM's functions:
  1. You will not be able to upgrade MDM Server to a later version.
  2. Scheduled database backup might fail.
  3. Creation/extraction of .7zip files might be affected.
  4. Problems with the mail server configurations
Excluding all the specific .exe/bat files is more complex because it keeps changing over a period of time. So MDM folders can be added to the exclusion list. In such cases, ensure that you need to exclude the following folders respectively.
  • Mobile Device Manager Plus Server - MDMServer
  • Mobile Device Manager Plus Forwarding Server - ME_Secure_Gateway_Server

Disable Mail Shielding to ensure proper mail server configurations on Mobile Device Manager Plus

Note: You should also make sure, that every time you update/upgrade your anti-virus, the exception policy that you have created is not overwritten.

Every anti-virus has its own exclusion policy and method. Hence ensure that you follow the corresponding policy accordingly.

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