How to send log files to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support? 


While working with Mobile Device Manager Plus, you might encounter issues which can be resolved quickly and in better ways by the MDM Support team, if provided with the logs.
The logs can be sent to the MDM Support as explained below:

    • MDM Server logs 
      MDM server logs is available in <Install_Dir>\MDMServer\logs.

      Steps to send the server logs to the Support

      • Navigate to the Support tab in Mobile Device Manager server.
      • Select Create Support file.
      • Enter the following details:
        • E-mail address
        • Message
        • Select the logs you want to upload:
          • Server logs (Applicable only for MDM On-Premises)
          • Agent logs
      • Click Send to send the Support file.

      The log file(s) are sent to MDM Support successfully.

    • Managed Android device logs

      Uploading logs automatically from managed Android devices to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      Logs can be sent directly from the MDM app (applicable for MDM On-Premises). Open the MDM app and click on Privacy Policy tab.

      Disable log privacy.

      Reproduce the issue.

      Now open Support tab.

      To send the device logs to MDM Support via e-mail, select the corresponding option.

      Provide the Issue type, Admin e-mail, Problem description, and optionally provide the Ticket ID. Select the checkbox before clicking on Send.

      Specify the mail app using which you want to send the logs to MDM Support.

      Device logs are then directly sent to MDM Support. Once the logs has been shared, enable log privacy by navigating to Privacy Policy tab.

      To send the device logs to the MDM server directly, select the option Send logs to server and follow the on-screen instructions. Select the checkbox before clicking on Send.

      Device logs are then sent to the MDM server.

      Uploading logs manually from managed Android devices to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      You can also upload the logs of Android devices managed by MDM. You can find the steps to archive the logs and the steps involved in sending it to the Mobile Device Manager Plus Support.

      • Open the MDM app on the device.
      • Navigate to Android -> data -> -> files -> agent
      • You can then send the logs as a zip file to MDM Support.

      Uploading Android device logs from MDM Server

      • Navigate to the Support tab in the MDM server. Click on Create Support file.
      • Specify your e-mail address and the description of the problem, which needs to be sent with the logs
      • Select the logs you want to upload:
        • Server logs (Applicable only for MDM On-Premises)
        • Agent logs
      • Select the Agent logs and specify the devices whose logs are to be sent.
      • Click Send to send the Support file.

      The log files are successfully sent to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support.

    • Managed iOS device logs

      Uploading logs automatically from managed iOS devices to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      1. The users can directly send the logs from the managed iOS devices. Open the MDM app, click on the Support button.
      2. Select the e-mail logs option. Provide the Issue type, Admin e-mail, Problem description optionally enter the Ticket ID and click Send.
      3. Device logs will be directly sent to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support.

      Uploading logs manually from managed iOS devices to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      To send the logs to MDM server, you have to

      Extracting the logs

      Follow the steps to extract the ME MDM App logs.

          • Open the ME MDM App in the managed device.
          • Navigate to Support tab.
          • Select Collect logs. A notification is shown when the logs are successfully compiled.

      Sending the logs to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      Follow the steps to send your logs to MDM Support.

        • Navigate to the Support tab in the MDM server.
        • Select Create support file.
        • Enter the following details:
          • E-mail
          • Message
          • Mobile Device Name
        • Select the logs you want to upload:
          • Server logs (Applicable only for MDM On-Premises)
          • Agent logs
        • Click Send and wait till the support file is created successfully.
        • Then send the compiled support file from the managed device.
    • Managed Mac device logs

      Uploading logs automatically from managed Mac devices to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      1. Click on the MDM Tray Icon above.
      2. Select Send Logs.
      3. You can find the logs zip file in Server:
        Directory/ManageEngine/DesktopCentral_Server/mdm-logs/1/{contains DeviceUDID as filename}.
      4. Get the zip file and sent it to Support.

      Uploading logs manually from managed Mac devices to Mobile Device Manager Plus Support

      1. Open Finder in the affected Mac device.
      2. Select Go from the top Menu Bar and then Go to folder and type /Library/MEMDM_agent/logs
      3. Zip all the folders inside the logs folder and send it Support manually.
    • Secure Gateway server logs

      Uploading logs from Secure Gateway server to Mobile Device Manager Plus server

      You can also upload the logs of the Secure Gateway configured with Mobile Device Manager Plus. Follow the steps given below to upload the logs from the Secure Gateway to the Mobile Device Manager Plus Support.

        • Open
        • Under Products, select Mobile Device Manager Plus.
        • Specify the Ticket ID, if you have one.
        • Specify your e-mail address to receive notifications and other required fields.
        • Click Add Files to browse and select all the files in <Secure Gateway Installation Directory>:/ME_Secure_Gateway_Server\logs.
        • Click Upload.

      The Secure Gateway server logs are uploaded to MDM server successfully.

    • Shared Device Application logs

      Steps to Collect Shared Device Application Logs

      • Use a USB cable to connect the device to a computer.
      • Navigate to the following directory on the connected device:
        Android -> data ->
      • Copy all the files from the specified directory and compress them into a ZIP file.
      • Share the compressed ZIP file to the MDM Support.


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