How to enable conditional access for Zoho Mail?  


Organizations that have adopted a BYOD environment must ensure corporate data remains secure on users' iOS devices, while for Android, this applies to both corporate-owned and personal (BYOD) devices. A common challenge is employees accessing corporate email accounts from unauthorized devices once they have their credentials. To prevent this, MDM supports conditional access policies, allowing admins to revoke access from unauthorized devices.

For Exchange, this policy can be configured directly from the MDM server by following the steps provided in this document. If your organization uses Zoho Mail as its corporate email service, the Zoho Mail app must be configured using Managed App Configurations.

Add the Zoho Mail App for iOS


  • Zoho Mail app must be present in the App Repository.
  • The App Configurations XML file for Zoho Mail, provided by the app developer, for iOS devices.

Steps to Add the Zoho Mail App for iOS

  • Navigate to Device Mgmt->App repository, click on the Zoho Mail for iOS devices in the App Repository.
  • Navigate to Configurations tab and upload the following XML file. If you are looking to configure other settings in Zoho Mail, include the following key and string combination in the XML file available here. 

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
      <plist version="1.0">
  • click on save.

Add the Zoho Mail App for Android


Steps to Add the Zoho Mail App for Android

  • Navigate to Device Mgmt->App repository, click on the Zoho Mail for Android devices in the App Repository.
  • Click on the Configuration tab, enter %conditional_access_token% for the key Conditional Access Token. Click on Save.

Steps to Distribute the App to Managed Devices

  • Navigate to Device Mgmt->App repository, click on the Zoho Mail (android/iOS).
  • Clcik on Distribute.
  • Select the group(s)/device(s) to which the apps must be associated.
  • Choose the Distribution Type Distribute it to App Catalog or Silent installation. if Distribute it to App Catalog chosen, then the app is distributed to the App Catalog in the ME MDM app on the device, from where the user can install the app.
  • Check the Notify users by email upon distributing the app check box if you want to notify the user.
  • Click on Distribute App to distribute the app to the desired devices/groups.

How Users Access Their Accounts from Distributed Apps

When Conditional Access for Zoho Mail is enabled on devices, users will not be able to access their accounts through the app downloaded directly from the Play Store or App Store. They must install the app from the App Catalog within the ME MDM app. Follow the below steps to install the app from the ME MDM app Catalog.

Note: If silent app distribution is chosen during the app distribution process, the app will be automatically installed on Android devices. However, for iOS devices, users will need to manually approve the app installation to complete the process on their devices.

  • Open the ME MDM app. Click on the App catalog.
  • Choose the Zoho Mail app. Click on Install to install the app. Upon installation the App will be available inside the ME MDM app.
  • Open the Zoho mail app available inside the ME MDM app. User need to provide their work credentials to access their work account.
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