A Connection to the MDM server could not be established


You have scanned the QR Code and downloaded the MDM Profile. However, while installing the MDM Profile, you encounter the error: "Profile Installation Failed. A Connection to the MDM server could not be established."

Android Device



    1. Device Connection to the Server: The device might be unable to establish a connection to the MDM server. Ensure that the proxy or firewall is not blocking the device's connection to the server.
    2. Blocked URLs from firewalls: The necessary check-in URLs for iOS and Mac devices might be blocked by the firewall. Verify that the iOS check-in URLs (NAT Address/mdm/client/v1/ioscheckin) used by the device for enrollment are allowed through the firewall. Additionally, confirm that the Mac check-in URLs (NAT Address/mdm/client/v1/maccheckin) used by the device for enrollment are permitted through the firewall.

If the problem still persists, contact mdm-support@manageengine.com (MDM On-Premises) or mdmcloud-support@manageengine.com (MDM Cloud)

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