FCM Registration Error


You are trying to enroll an Android device and get the error message "FCM Registration Error".


This could happen, due to one of the following reasons:


Port(s)/Domain(s) Blocked (Applicable only for MDM On-Premises)

Ensure the following domains are allowlisted in the firewall and/or other third-party filters:

    • mtalk.google.com:5228
    • mtalk.google.com:5229
    • mtalk.google.com:5230
    • android.clients.google.com:443
    • android.googleapis.com

Unavailabilty of Google Services

If Google Services including FCM is unavailable in your country, then MDM cannot contact/manage the Android device. To ensure MDM can contact the device, change the communication mode by navigating to Enrollment tab and select ME MDM app under Android section. Under Configure Mode of Communication, select Periodic as the communication type and save the settings. Period mode of communication ensures the MDM server contacts the device once every 60 minutes. However, on-demand security features such as Corporate Wipe, Remote lock etc., may not function properly. 

Date/Time settings in the device

Ensure the date/time settings in the device is correct.

If the above resolutions don't work, try enrolling the device via Cellular Data. If the issue still remains unresolved, contact MDM On-Premises support(mdm-support@manageengine.com) or MDM Cloud support(mdmcloud-support@manageengine.com).

Applies to: Proxy, Device Scanning

Keywords: FCM, Enrollment failure, Device Scanning

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