Unable to install iOS app


You trying to install iOS apps on the managed devices and you get this error after app distribution.



Device cannot connect to App Store

Provide access to *.apple.com as it is required to initiate app installation. This error also occurs if the user repeatedly enters wrong App Store. You can prevent this error, by installing apps without requiring App Store account as explained here.

App size is over 200 MB

If the size of the app that you are distributing to the devices is over 200 MB, then Apple does not allow these apps do be installed over mobile data. The device must be connected to a Wi-fi to initiate the app installation. Use either of the following steps check the app size:

  1. In the app repository, select the app and under App details, click the app store URL, here you'll be able to view the app size.
  2. Search for the app in the device App Store, and click on it to view the app size.

Incase of using cellular data, you have to enable setting (Settings > App Store > Mobile/ Cellular data > App Downloads > Always Allow) manually on the device before distributing the app.

App already installed on the device, but not managed by MDM

If the apps have already been installed by the user, and again distributed by MDM, this error occurs. In case of supervised devices, the apps are automatically managed when the device is scanned. In case of unsupervised devices, if the app is available in the App Catalog of the device, clicking the option to Manage via MDM will bring the device under management. You can also choose to distribute the app with the option Silent Distribution enabled. If the apps are still not managed by MDM, try deleting and re-distributing the apps to the devices.

The various iWorks apps like iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Garageband and Keynote are preinstalled in devices with storage size greater than 32 GB. These apps cannot directly be managed by a MDM solution and hence will have to first be removed from the device and then distributed from MDM.

App not present/incompatible

If the app has been removed from the App Store by the developer, you cannot subsequently distribute the app to devices/groups. Click here to know how to identify apps not present in the App Store. Also, the app you are trying to distribute to devices might be a 32-bit app which is not supported in devices running the latest OS version. Click here to know how to identify 32-bit apps.

User declined app installation

When an app is distributed to unsupervised devices, the user will be prompted to initiate the app installation. If the user declines the installation by clicking cancel, this error occurs. You can prevent this error, by supervising the device and installing apps without requiring App Store account as explained here

User has not logged in with the App Store account

Ensure the user has an App Store account added to the device. Users may not be able to add their App Store account if the restriction Modify Account Settings (present under Restrictions -> Advanced Security) has been enabled. Disable this restriction, to allow users to add their App Store account. You can install apps on the devices running iOS 9.0 or later versions, irrespective of whether the users have signed in with their App Store account or not if the apps are purchased via VPP.

App Store has been disabled either by the user or MDM

In case of devices running iOS 8.0 or lesser versions, App Store must be present on the device to install apps (both manual installation or through MDM).   Verify if the App Store has been restricted by MDM. If yes, enable it by navigating to Restrictions -> Application -> Users can install apps through App Store. Ensure the user has not disabled App Store through restrictions present on the device. You can view these restrictions by navigating to Settings -> General -> Restrictions. For devices running iOS 9.0 or later versions, you can install apps without requiring App Store if the apps are purchased via VPP.

App cannot be downloaded on the device

This error could occur on the device due to any of the following reasons

  1. No access to *.apple.com
  2. Inadequate app licenses for VPP apps
  3. Device type incompatibility
  4. Unavailability of apps in particular regions

The iTunes page of an app has all the compatible devices and OS listed as seen here

Sometimes the App Store region that distributes the app is not selected on the device. Follow the steps to select the correct App Store region on the device.

  • On the managed devices, go to Settings and click on iTunes & App Store
  • Select the existing Apple ID and click on View Apple ID. Enter the password when prompted.
  • Now change the Country/Region, to ensure the distributed app can be installed. 
  • Click on Done to save the changes.

If the issues still persists, kindly contact either the MDM Support (mdm-support@manageengine.com) or MDM Cloud Support (mdmcloud-support@manageengine.com)

Network connectivity issue on the device

App installation may fail due to poor network connectivity. We have collected the list of some of the possible errors that can occur if the app installation fails. 

The Possible network related issues are
  • A server with the specified hostname could not be found.
  • The request timed out.
  • Could not connect to the server.
  • The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be bag.itunes.apple.com which could put your confidential information at risk.
  • The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be downloaddispatch.itunes.apple.com which could put your confidential information at risk.
  • Cannot parse response.
  • The Internet connection appears to be offline.
  • A data connection is not possible now.
  • Cannot connect to iTunes Store.
  • The network connection was lost.
  • An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.
  • A data connection is not currently allowed.
Troubleshooting tips:

While installing the app, if you come across any of the above errors, then follow the troubleshooting tips to resolve the errors.

  1. Check the network connectivity and try connecting once again to the same or different network.
  2. Disable your proxy and retry. If proxy is mandatory, then whitelist the following URLs,
    • bag.itunes.apple.com
    • downloaddispatch.itunes.apple.com.
  3. Preferably whitelist all the *.apple.com services.

  4. If your device is connected to VPN, then turn off or remove the connection and retry app installation.
  5. If neither of the above methods works, then try with mobile data which is free from all proxy services.

License is not associated to the device

App installation will fail if VPP license is not associated to the device. Try redistributing the app for five times. If the problem persists, it may mean that the VPP service is down. Retry app distribution after sometime.

The server has revoked the sToken.

This error happens, if the user has reset the ABM portal password recently. So the server tokens becomes invalid and user has to renew the location tokens.

There are too many recent requests. Try again momentarily.

The ABM server is busy as it is loaded with too many app license association requests. Kindly wait for sometime and retry app installation.

There aren't enough assets available to complete this association.

Each device requires a license to perform app installation. If there are insufficient number of licenses, then this error happens. Purchase sufficient licenses for the app from ABM portal and sync the location token in MDM.



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