Enterprise Edition - Frequently Asked Questions

Enterprise Edition - Network configuration management

Device Group

Distribution of Device Groups

A device group added in the Central Server can be distributed to all the probes. To do so, please check the "Distribute To Probes" option while creating the device group. This can be done only while creating the new device group and cannot be changed once the device group is created.

1. Device Group created in central does not appear in the probe though Device Group is distributed to all probes. Why is that?

Only the public device groups created in central can be seen in a particular probe. Please ensure that you have created the group as public. Private groups will be visible only to the owner of the device group. For any further assistance and clarification, please feel free to reach out to NCM support team.

2. I have distributed a device group to all the probes and now I am editing it in central but changes are not taking effect in Probe Server.

For now, the distribution of device groups update is not possible, hence any changes made in Central server will not reflect in the probes.

3. Why some of the Device Group names are automatically suffixed with _noc?

All the device groups distributed from central to probe have a suffix _noc, to distinguish them from the device group created in probe.

4. In central if I group devices from various probes into one device group and then distribute it to the probes, what will be the device scope at probe level?

Any device group created in central using devices from multiple probes can be successfully distributed to all the probes, and it will have the scope of the devices selected from that particular probe. All the other device will be ignored at probe level.

5. What if the non-distributed groups are selected as subgroups for the group that is being distributed?

It is mandatory to distribute all the subgroups before creating a super device group. In case any of the subgroups are not present the probes, the newly created group will not be distributed to the probes.

6. What happens if I distribute a public group with private subgroup?

If the subgroup is distributed before creating the new group, then the newly created device group will be distributed without any data loss, but the users in the probe won't be able to see the subgroups while editing the device group. Only the owner of that subgroup can view it.

NOTE: Non distributed groups should not be added as subGroup for a group that you want to distribute to probes.

Device Template

Distribution of Device Templates

Device Templates are always synced between all the probe servers and Central server, in NCM Enterprise Edition. Any device template added in Central Server will automatically be added in all the probes and similarly any template added in a particular probe server will be added first to Central Server and then it will be distributed to other probe servers via Central Server.

Any change made to the device templates in Central Server will be distributed to all the probes and will reflect in Probe Servers, but if you are editing a device template in a particular probe then those changes will be restricted to the particular probe server only.

If device template is deleted in central, then the selected template will be deleted from all the probes. If the device template is deleted in a particular probe then the deletion operation will not distribute and the deletion will have effect only in the particular probe.

For more information about Device Templates, refer here.

1. If I install a new probe after several days of installing the Central Server and other probes, will it be possible to sync the device templates from other probes with the newly installed probe?

When a new probe is added, Device Templates are imported from the Central Server and hence all the device templates will automatically be synced, irrespective of when a new probe is being added.


Distribution of Configlets

Configlets are always synced between all the probe servers and Central server in NCM Enterprise Edition. A Configlet added in Central Server will automatically be added in all the probes and similarly if a Configlet is added in a particular probe server, it will be added to Central Server first and then it will be distributed to other probe servers via Central Server.

Any change made to the Configlet in Central Server will be distributed to all the probes and will reflect in Probe Servers, but if you are editing a Configlet in a particular probe then those changes will be restricted to the particular probe server only.

If a Configlet is deleted in central, then the selected Configlet will be deleted from all the probes. If the Configlet is deleted in a particular probe then the deletion operation will not distribute and the deletion will have effect only in the particular probe.

For more information about Configlets, refer here.

1. Why is there no option to delete a configlet in Central server?

Similar to device templates, all the configlets are synced between all the Probe Servers and Central serve in NCM Enterprise Edition. Whenever a new configlet is added in any of the servers, it will be distributed to all the other servers automatically. After distribution, a configlet can be used in different manner in each server. So when you delete a configlet from a particular probe server, NCM does not distribute that delete operation because the configlet may still be in use in other servers. Deleting the configlet only from central server does not make any sense if we do not distribute the operation to other probes, hence the operation is restricted in the Central Server.

Exclude Criteria

Distribution of Exclude Criteria

Exclude Criteria are always synced between all the probe servers and Central server in NCM Enterprise Edition. An Exclude Criteria added in Central Server will automatically be added in all the probes and similarly if exclude criteria is added in a particular probe server, it will be added to Central Server first and then it will be distributed to other probe servers via Central Server.

Any change made to the Exclude Criteria in Central Server will be distributed to all the probes and will reflect in Probe Servers, but if you are editing an Exclude Criteria in a particular probe then those changes will be restricted to the particular probe server only.

If an exclude criteria is deleted in central, then the selected criteria will be deleted from all the probes. If the Exclude Criteria is deleted in a particular probe then the deletion operation will not distribute and the deletion will have effect only in the particular probe.

For more information about Exclude Criteria, refer here.


Distribution of SysObjectID

SysObjectIDs are always synced between all the probe servers and Central server in NCM Enterprise Edition. A SysObjectID added in Central Server will automatically be added in all the probes and similarly if a SysObjectID is added in a particular probe server, it will be added to Central Server first and then it will be distributed to other probe servers via Central Server.

Any change made to the SysObjectID in Central Server will be distributed to all the probes and will reflect in Probe Servers, but if you are editing a SysObjectID in a particular probe then those changes will be restricted to the particular probe server only.

If a SysObjectID is deleted in central, then the selected SysObjectID will be deleted from all the probes. If the SysObjectID is deleted in a particular probe then the deletion operation will not distribute and the deletion will have effect only in the particular probe.

For more information about SysObjectID, refer here.

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