OpManager MSP - System Requirements

Table of Contents:

The system requirements mentioned below are the minimum requirements for the specified number of devices. The sizing requirements may vary based on the load.

Hardware Requirements

Central Server



 Hard Disk

 Physical Machine: Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz, 4 cores/ 8 threads or higher

Virtual Machine: 2.5 GHz,
8 vProcessors

CPUs with a total combined PassMark score of 7,000 or higher

 16 GB or higher

 100 GB minimum

Probe Server



 Hard Disk

 Physical Machine: Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz, 4 cores/ 8 threads or higher

Virtual Machine: 2.5 GHz,
8 vProcessors

CPUs with a total combined PassMark score of 7,000 or higher

 16 GB

 40 GB minimum


  • CPU recommendation for deployments use the ®PassMark score. To learn more, click here.
  • We strongly recommend assigning a dedicated machine for OpManager MSP.
  • For 1000 devices, 5000 monitors and 5000 interfaces with default monitoring interval and default database retention, OpManager MSP utilizes about 1 GB/day of disk space. The number may vary based on the entities monitored in your environment & other factors like events generated, Syslogs, Traps etc.

Software Requirements

The following table lists the recommended software requirements for both OpManager MSP central and probe server installation.


Version requirements for Evaluation 

Version requirements for Production 

 Windows OS

Windows 10, Windows 11

Windows Server 2025/ 2022/ 2019/ 2016

 Linux OS

Ubuntu 16.04 to 22.04/ Fedora 37/ Red Hat 7 to 9.4/ Opensuse 15.4/ Debian 11 to 11.6​

​Ubuntu 16.04 to 22.04/ Red Hat version 7 to 9.4/ CentOS Stream 9


Google Chrome/ Mozilla Firefox/ Microsoft Edge

Google Chrome/ Mozilla Firefox/ Microsoft Edge

User Privilege: Local administrator privileges required for OpManager MSP installation.

Port Requirements

The following table summarizes the ports and protocols that OpManager MSP uses for communication.

Ports used by Central
Ports used by Probe

Note : 

  • Outbound websocket protocol should be enabled in the Probe Server and inbound websocket protocol should be enabled in the Central Server.
  • Ports to be opened in Firewall for installations with public access: Open only the 8061 Secure Port for the Central Server.

Database Requirements

The following table lists the basic requirements for your OpManager MSP database server.


  • Comes bundled with the product
  • In case of failover, please use MS SQL.

Microsoft SQL

1. Supported versions:

SQL 2022 (from build 12.8.452) | SQL 2019 | SQL 2017 | SQL 2016

2. Important Notices:

1. For production use 64 bit versions of SQL
2. Recovery mode should be set to SIMPLE.
3. SQL and OpManager MSP should be in the same LAN. Currently WAN based SQL installations are not supported.

3. Collation:

  • English with collation setting (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
  • Norwegian with collation setting (Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS)
  • Simplified Chinese with collation setting (Chinese_PRC_CI_AS)
  • Japanese with collation setting (Japanese_CI_AS)
  • German with collation setting (German_PhoneBook_CI_AS)

4. Authentication:

Mixed mode (MSSQL and Windows Authentication).

5. BCP:

The "bcp.exe"(Windows)/"bcp"(Linux) and "bcp.rll" must be available in the OpManager MSP bin directory.

The BCP utility provided with Microsoft SQL Server is a command line utility that allows you to import and export large amounts of data in and out of SQL server databases quickly.

For Windows:

The bcp.exe and bcp.rll will be available in the MSSQL installation directory. If MSSQL is in a remote machine, copy bcp.exe and bcp.rll files and paste them in the <\OpManagerMSP\bin> directory.

The SQL server version compliant with the SQL Native Client must be installed in the same Server.

For Linux:

For BCP utility in Linux, mssql-tools (Microsoft ODBC driver for Linux) should be installed on an OpManager MSP installed machine. Please follow the steps in the document provided below to install Microsoft ODBC driver on Linux servers.


The command to install ODBC driver is different for every Linux flavor. Please choose the correct Linux flavor and install the ODBC driver.

  • Steps to move BCP utility to OpManager MSP:
    • After the ODBC driver is installed in Linux servers, the bcp utility files can be found in the below mentioned path. Copy both bcp and bcp.rll files to <OpManager MSP_home>/bin and start OpManager MSP once.
      • For ODBC driver version 18: bcp file in /opt/mssql-tools18/bin/ and bcp.rll file in /opt/mssql-tools18/share/resources/en_US/
      • For other versions of ODBC: bcp file in /opt/mssql-tools/bin/ and bcp.rll file in /opt/mssql-tools/share/resources/en_US/

List of Ports to be Opened in Firewall

For device discovery
  • OpManager uses ICMP protocol (which has no TCP/UDP ports) by default during device discovery.
  • Associate credentials during discovery for proper classification of devices and data collection. Refer below for the default ports used for each protocol.

For data collection and monitoring of devices

Open the below ports in the firewall to ensure uninterrupted monitoring of your devices.



Port Type 




















SNMP traps

Unidirectional(From monitored device to OpManager probe server)



















Used to check the availability status and to add a device




Default syslog port

Unidirectional (From monitored device to OpManager probe server)


1025 - 5000





Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 Know More

49152 to 65535





Windows Server 2008 and later versions, Windows Vista and later versions Know More

Dynamic ports change during each server startup based on the ports available in the system.

Note: OpManager MSP uses ICMP for its initial discovery of devices. If your device does not support ICMP, discovering it via 'Discovery Profile' is not possible. You will only be able to discover the device through 'Add Device' or 'CSV file' options.
For Monitoring Agent-related communication

To ensure the smooth functioning of Agent-based monitoring in OpManager, OpManager's webserver port (https, 8061 by default) must be allowed to send outbound requests from the respective agent-monitored device.