OpManager monitors the availability of the interface and generates Up/Down alerts if the interface status poll is enabled. The availability of the interface is decided by the Admin Status, or the Operation Status of the particular interface.
Admin Status | Operation Status | Severity |
Down | Any (Up / Down / Testing / Unknown / Dormant / Not present) | Critical |
Up | Down | Trouble |
Up | Testing / Unknown / Not present | Attention |
Up | Up | Clear |
Testing | Up | Clear |
Testing | Down | Trouble |
Testing | Others | Attention |
If you want only the interface traffic monitoring & not the up / down status of the interfaces, you can disable the status polling option for the interface. Check here.
Admin status | Explanation |
Up | Interface is up |
Down | Interface is down |
Testing | No operational packets can be passed |
Oper status | Explanation |
Up | Ready to pass packets |
Down | Can't pass packets |
Testing | No operational packets can be passed |
Unknown | Status cannot be determined for some reason |
Dormant | Interface is waiting for external actions |
Not Present | Some component is missing. Typically hardware |
You can configure the violation severity of the ineterfaces by defining the severity levels of the admin and operation status under Settings > Configuration > Interface Templates.
Note: Interface Status polling works only if the parent device is in Managed state. You can also disable it under Inventory > Monitoring > Interfaces. Learn more.