Device Availability State and Severity
Device Availability Alarm Severity
OpManager has different severity for device status polling alarms.
- Critical: A device will be in the 'Critical' state when it does not respond for 5 consecutive availability polls that OpManager triggers. (Device may be down or unavailable)
- Trouble: A device will be in the 'Trouble' state when it does not respond for 3 consecutive availability polls that OpManager triggers. (Device may be down or unavailable)
- Attention: A device will be in the 'Attention' state when it does not respond for the 1st availability poll that OpManager triggers. (The particular device may be down or unavailable)
- Service Down: When a service or url monitor associated to the device is down.
- Clear: A device will be in the 'Clear' state when an alarm is cleared and the device is UP and running.
- Unknown: A device will be in the 'Critical' state when it is in the 'Not Monitored' state or the device type is unknown.

- The severity will automatically change/update for the device down alarms based on the number of missed polls.
- The severity levels of device down alarms (availability monitoring) and interface down alarms (Trouble) are predefined.
- For OpManager versions above 125215, you can customize the device down severities under Settings -> Configuration -> Device Down Settings. Learn more.
Device Availability State
Device availability in OpManager tells you the current state of the device at any point of time. Listed below are the various availability states of any device.
- ACTIVE: This corresponds to the device when it is 'UP' and running.
- DOWN: This corresponds to the device when it is 'Down' or not available.
- DEPENDENT_UNAVAILABLE: This corresponds to the device when the dependent device(s) are down or unavailable.
- ON_HOLD: This corresponds to the device when it is manually moved to the 'Unmanaged' state.
- ON_MAINTENANCE: This corresponds to the device when it is a part of an ongoing downtime schedule (due to which the device will be mpved to the Unmanaged state).
- PARENT_DOWN: This corresponds to the interface when the associated parent device is down.
- PARENT_UNMANAGED: This corresponds to the interface when the parent device is in the 'Unmanaged' state.
Check out OpManager's Availability reports (All Interfaces by Availability, Devices Availability) for detailed information on STATE wise availability history.