Device Downtime Schedules 

Planned Maintenance of network devices forms an integral part of network administration. You may want to perform a maintenance of specific device types at specific intervals. If such devices are removed from the network, or rebooted, then you will see alarms indicating that the device, or the applications in the device are unavailable. Since the devices are not available when polled for status during the maintenance period, unnecessary alarms are fired. To prevent the devices from being monitored for status during maintenance, you can schedule a maintenance task for such devices.

Scheduling device downtimeScheduling device downtime

How to create a device downtime schedule:

  • Go to Settings -> Configuration -> Device Downtime Schedules.
  • Click on Add Schedule.
  • Provide a name and description for the device downtime schedule.
  • Downtime frequency: The interval or frequency at which the schedule runs.
  • Select the filter and choose the devices that you wish to add under the maintenance schedule. You can view the uplink hierarchy of devices by clicking on View Dependency Details option.
  • Click on save

If you wish to disable the device downtime schedule, go to Settings -> Configuration -> Device Downtime Schedules and set the status as disable for the corresponding downtime schedule.

Points to remember:

  • You cannot disable a device downtime schedule which is currently in running state
  • If a device is added under multiple device downtime schedules, chances are that one of the device downtime schedules under which the device is specified may still be in running state. Hence, the specific device will continue to remain in downtime.
  • When the parent device is on maintenance, the child devices will not be monitored and their status will be shown as dependent unavailable.
  • On Maintenance devices are also considered in the OpManager license count.

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