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Agent Settings

The Patch Manager Plus server of the product installs an light-weight non-intrusive agent on the computers that have to be managed. You have an option to configure the settings for these agents.

Agent General Settings

  1. Click the Admin tab to invoke the Admin page.
  2. Click the Agent Settings link available under Global Settings.
  3. The General Settings tab is selected by default. You can specify the following from here:
    1. Server IP Address - The IP Address of the computer where the Patch Manager Plus server is installed is displayed here.  The agents residing in the client computers communicate to the Patch Manager Plus server using this IP Address. The Patch Manager Plus server automatically detects the server IP Address whenever Patch Manager Plus server is started. If you wish to automatically detect and save the IP Address, select the Automatically detect and save the IP Address change option. 
    2. Enable Secured Communication - Select this option, if the communication between the Agent and the Patch Manager Plus server should be secured (HTTPS)
    3. Enable Checksum Validation - Select this option, to verify if the patch/software binaries that are downloaded from the Patch Manager Plus server are verified for integrity using "Checksum Validataion (md5 algorithm)". If the checksum fails, then the installation will be aborted.
    4. Restrict Users from Uninstalling Agents from Control Panel - Selecting this option will ensure that users do not uninstall the Agents from their computer.
    5. Restricting Users from Stopping Agent  service - Choosing this option will restrict the users from manually stopping the agent service. 
    6. Perform Patch Scanning - Select this option if Patch Scanning has to be initiated immediately after the agent installation. If this option is not selected, Patch Scanning will only happen when it is scheduled or when On Demand scanning is initiated.
    7. Enable Firewall Settings - The product requires the Windows Firewall running in the client computers to be configured for using all its features. Select this option to configure the firewall for enabling Remote Administration, DCOM, File and Printer Sharing, and Simple File Sharing in Windows XP.
    8. Click Save Changes.

    Agent Tray Icon Settings

    There is an option provided which allows the Agent Icon to be displayed in the System Tray of all the managed computers. The users can perform the following actions using the system tray:

    1. Initiate Patch Scanning
    2. Pull and apply patch configurations that are available to them

    Follow the steps below to configure the Tray icon settings:

    1. Click the Admin tab to invoke the Admin page.
    2. Click the Agent Settings link available under Global Settings.
    3. Select the Agent Tray Icon tab and specify whether to display the icon in the system tray of the managed computers. When choosing this option, you can choose the following:
      1. Show Patch, and Configuration Menu
      2. Show Last Logon Details
      3. Show Information Balloons while processing Patch configurations and Scanning
    4. Click Save Changes                                                                                                                                 

    Configuration Settings (Not applicable for PMP Cloud)

    When a computer is added to the OU / Active Directory, all configurations that were deployed to the group will automatically get applied to the newly added computers. Configuration settings will help you to specify the time when and how often should the Patch Manager Plus server look for the newly added computers and deploy the configuration.  This can be customized as per the options mentioned below.

    1. Click the Admin tab to invoke the Admin page.
    2. Click Configuration Settings
    3. Under Auto-detect OU/Group changes and Apply Configuration, click the checkbox to configure the settings.
      1. Enable "Detect and Apply Configurations at every System Startup or User Logon" to apply configurations to computers during user logon and  system startup.
      2. If you choose to enable the configurations at scheduled time, then the change detection will happen at the nearest refresh cycle and the configurations will be applied after the specified time subsequently .
    4. Click Save Changes.

    Note : If the configurations are applied to a Custom Group/OU/Active Directory,  the newly added computers will have all the configurations applied to it automatically. Whereas, if any computer is removed from the Active Directory / OU/ Custom Group, the applied configurations will not be removed automatically.

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