Introducing ADAudit Plus' Attack Surface Analyzer—Detect 25+ AD attacks and identify risky Azure configurations. Learn morex
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    Track DNS permission changes

    Closely compare the old and new SACL values every time a DNS permission is modified.

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    Personalize DNS reporting

    Use customization to selectively track DNS changes during non-work hours or those made by suspicious users.

  • Audit DNS record changes

    Gain granular visibility into modifications made to DNS records with details on who changed what, when, and from where.

  • Perform complete DNS audits

    Discover the presence of stale DNS records, scrutinize DNS configuration changes, audit every time a DNS zone or node is added, modified, or removed, and more.

  • Trigger instant security alerts

    Initiate threat responses and notify admins using instant email and SMS alerts on detecting a sudden spike in the modification or deletion of DNS records.

  • Other powerful features

    Initiate UBA-driven change auditing of your Active Directory, Windows servers, file servers, and workstations to strengthen security and to meet compliance requirements.

Simplify compliance reporting with the help of our AD auditing software.

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