Introducing ADAudit Plus' Attack Surface Analyzer—Detect 25+ AD attacks and identify risky Azure configurations. Learn morex
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    Compliance made easy

    Generate audit-ready reports on password set, reset, and change activities to maintain compliance with the GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and more.

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    Receive instant alerts

    Trigger instant email and SMS notifications every time a password is set never to expire for an AD user account.

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    Flag frequent password resets

    Analyze password reset attempts to quickly spot employees who are requesting password resets too often.

  • AD password audit tool

    Keep a close eye on the most recent password management activities and gain insights on whose password was modified, when, and from where.

  • Spot unsafe password behavior

    Periodically list and scrutinize AD users whose passwords are set never to expire to fortify your network against insider attacks.

  • Secure hybrid environments

    Easily supervise and maintain a detailed record of all AD password modifications across both on-premises and cloud environments from a single console.

  • Other powerful features

    ADAudit Plus is a user-behavior-analytics-driven change auditing solution that provides visibility and security across Active Directory, NAS devices, Windows servers, and workstations.

Track and report on all AD changes in real-time with our Active Directory auditing software

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