Introducing ADAudit Plus' Attack Surface Analyzer—Detect 25+ AD attacks and identify risky Azure configurations. Learn morex
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    Monitor work-related metrics

    Gain insights into your employees' system startup and shutdown times, last logon times, logon duration, etc.

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    Analyze employee work time

    Use the scheduling function to deliver detailed reports on the actual work hours of your on-site and off-site employees.

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    Monitor work-related metrics

    Gain insights into your employees' system startup and shutdown times, last logon times, logon duration, etc.

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    Analyze employee work time

    Use the scheduling function to deliver detailed reports on the actual work hours of your on-site and off-site employees.

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    Record employee attendance

    Manage your field employees' attendance by logging their clock-in and clock-out periods. Drill down to find who logged in on which machine and when.


    Analyze productivity metrics

    Measure and boost your teams' productivity by analyzing each remote worker's active and inactive times using detailed graphs and reports.


    Detect high-risk user actions

    Employ user behavior analytics to spot atypical behavior of employees such as spikes in failed access attempts, logons during unusual periods, etc.


    Other powerful features

    Besides monitoring workforce productivity, you can also track changes made across Active Directory, Azure AD, file servers, Windows servers, workstations, and NAS devices.

Get the most out of your workforce with the help of our employee time tracking software. 

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