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How to apply the service pack to upgrade ADManager Plus

Objective: Upgrade ADManager Plus to a higher version by applying the appropriate service pack. If you have enabled High Availability, proceed with the steps after implementing the service pack. Alternatively, if you have enabled Load Balancing, follow these steps.


  1. Shut down ADManager Plus
    1. If the product runs as an application, click StartAll ProgramsADManager PlusStop ADManager Plus.
    2. If the product runs as a Windows service, click StartRun. Type services.msc and stop ManageEngine ADManager Plus.
  2. Execute the stopDB.bat file in the <ADManagerPlusHome>\bin directory.
  3. Back up ADManager Plus by zipping the contents of the <ADManagerPlusHome> directory.
  4. If you use Microsoft SQL as the database server for ADManager Plus, back up the database as well.
  5. Open the Command Prompt and execute the UpdateManager.bat file under the <ADManagerPlusHome>\bin directory.
    For Windows 7, Vista, 2008, and 2008 R2 machines with User Account Control enabled, select Run as Administrator while opening the Command Prompt.
  6. Click Browse and select the PPM file that you downloaded.
  7. Click Install for the service pack. Depending on the amount of data to be migrated, the installation procedure may take a few minutes. Please do not terminate prematurely.
  8. Click CloseExit to quit the Update Manager tool.
  9. Start ADManager Plus.

Note: If you need to apply more than one service pack, follow the same instructions for each installation.

How to update ADManager Plus when high availability (HA) is enabled?

  1. Stop ADManager Plus
    • Stop ADManager Plus in both the primary and secondary servers.
    • In the secondary server, navigate to services.msc. Make sure the ADManager Plus service is stopped and the Startup Type is changed to disabled.
    • Ensure that the instance in the secondary server is accessible from the primary server. To verify the access rights, follow the steps provided below.
      • Log on to your secondary server.
      • Navigate to the installation directory of ADManager Plus.
      • Right-click the ADManager Plus folder and go to Properties → Sharing. Check if ManageEngineADManagerPlus is listed below Network Path.
      • If yes, go to the Security tab and verify if the service account configured to run the ADManager Plus service has Full control permission over the ADManager Plus installation folder.
      • If not, click Share, add the service account to the list, and grant Read/Write permission. Once done, go to Advanced Sharing → Add, enter ManageEngineADManagerPlus in the Share name field, and click Apply.
  2. Back up ADManager Plus' folder and database
    • In both primary and secondary servers, back up ADManager Plus by zipping the contents of the <ADManagerPlusHome> directory or, if it's a VM, by taking a snapshot of the server.

    Note: If you are using Microsoft SQL as ADManager Plus' backend database, connect to that server and back that up as well.

  3. Apply service pack in the primary server
    In the primary server,
    • Start Command Prompt as an administrator, navigate to the <ADManagerPlusHome>\bin directory, and execute the UpdateManager.bat file.
    • Next, browse and select the PPM file (service pack file).
    • Click Install.

    Note: Applying the service pack in the primary server will automatically update the ADManager Plus version in the secondary server as well.

  4. Start ADManager Plus
    • Once the service pack installation is successful, start ADManager Plus in the primary server first, and then after a few minutes, in the secondary server.
    • In the secondary server, navigate to services.msc and change the Startup Type to automatic.

    Note: If you need to apply more than one service pack, follow the same instructions for each installation.

How do I update ADManager Plus when Load Balancing is enabled?

  1. Stop ADManager Plus
    • Stop ADManager Plus in both the primary and secondary nodes.
  2. Back up the ADManager Plus folder and database
    • In both the primary and secondary nodes, back up ADManager Plus by zipping the contents of the <ADManagerPlusHome> directory or, if it's a VM, by taking a snapshot of the node.

    Note: If you are using Microsoft SQL as ADManager Plus' back-end database, connect to that node and back it up as well.

  3. Apply the service pack in the primary node
    • Apply the service pack in the primary node. After successfully applying it in the primary node, do not start the ADManager Plus service. Continue applying the service pack in all the secondary nodes one by one.
  4. Start ADManager Plus
    • Once the service pack installation is successful, start ADManager Plus in the primary node first, and then after a few minutes, in each of the secondary nodes.


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