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Gain insights on GPOs and their statuses with ADManager Plus

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GPO Status Reports in ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus is a robust AD GPO status reporting tool that simplifies GPO management with a user-friendly interface. It offers detailed GPO Status Reports and in-depth AD GPO status analysis, allowing administrators to perform thorough GPO health checks and monitor the status of GPOs. It also enhances your GPO performance analysis and ensures your AD environment remains secure and compliant.

ADManager Plus, an IGA solution with a variety of features—including access certification, AD management and reporting, help desk delegation, GPO reporting, automation, and more—offers predefined reports that deliver detailed information on GPOs and their configurations.

  • Disabled GPOs
  • Computer Settings Disabled GPOs
  • User Settings Disabled GPOs
  • Unlinked GPOs report
  • GPOs with Inactive Policy Settings
  • GPO Delegation Report

This report provides the list of all disabled GPOs, with both computer and user configuration settings disabled. Administrators can efficiently track and remove GPOs that are no longer in use or required.

The Disabled GPOs report under GPO Reports in ADManager Plus

This report provides the list of GPOs with disabled computer configuration settings. Administrators can identify GPOs that are not currently applying any policies to computer objects, enabling them to check if these GPOs are needed.

The Computer Settings Disabled GPOs report under GPO Reports in ADManager Plus

This report provides the list of GPOs with disabled user configuration settings. Administrators can review and update the user configuration settings of the GPO to ensure they align with organizational needs.

The User Settings Disabled GPOs report under GPO Reports in ADManager Plus

This report retrieves the list of GPOs that are not linked to any container in the domain. Administrators can identify unlinked or unused GPOs for potential review or deletion, facilitating periodic cleanups to maintain a streamlined Group Policy environment.

The Unlinked GPOs report under GPO Reports in ADManager Plus

This report provides the list of GPOs that contain policy settings that are not currently enforced or applied. Administrators can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their Group Policy deployment, ensuring that all policy settings are appropriately configured and enforced throughout their domain environment.

The GPOs with Inactive Policy Settings report under GPO Reports in ADManager Plus

This report lets you view the security principals with access to selected GPOs and provides details on the security filters. Administrators can use this report to audit and manage access permissions in AD, ensuring that only authorized users can configure and apply GPO settings.

The GPO Delegation report under GPO Reports in ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus provides the capability to generate various reports on GPO Scope, GPO Settings, and more, allowing you to manage and optimize your GPOs effectively.

Highlights of GPO Scope reports in ADManager Plus

Real-time reports

Access real-time information on GPOs, ensuring accurate and timely reporting.

Delegated reporting

Securely delegate GPO reports to non-administrators without affecting their AD permissions.

Automated reporting

Schedule GPO report generation, saving time and ensuring up-to-date information at specified intervals using the report scheduler.

Export-ready reports

Export the generated reports in various formats such as PDF, XLSX, CSV, CSVDE, and HTML.

Why use GPO Status Reports in ADManager Plus

With the GPO reporting feature in ADManager Plus, you can:

  • Utilize a user-friendly dashboard to manage and monitor GPOs efficiently.
  • Generate reports specific to your domains, providing detailed insights into each domain's GPOs.
  • Customize your reports by adding or removing columns to display the most relevant information.
  • Send reports as email attachments or save them in a specified location.

Explore ADManager Plus' GPO reports

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ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting