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ADManager Plus allows you to add/remove titles, department, offices and companies based on the needs of your organization. This section will guide you to Add/Remove values under the appropriate attributes.
The Titles & Departments feature on the left pane of the Admin tab allows you to add/remove titles and departments based on the needs of your organization. This section will guide you to Add/Remove values under the appropriate attributes.
To Add a new Title:
To Remove an Existing Title:
You can now see the updated Title list.
Follow the same instructions to add/remove Department names in your existing Department list.
The Offices & Companies feature on the left pane of the Admin tab allows you to add/remove Offices and Companies based on the needs of your organization. This section will guide you to Add/Remove values under the appropriate attributes.
To Add a new Office:
To Remove an Existing Office:
You can now see the updated Offices list.
Follow the same instructions to add/remove Company names in your existing Companies list.