Certifier Assigning Rule

    The Certifier Assigning Rule will dynamically assign technicians as certifiers for access review campaigns based on the conditions specified. The certifier reviews the requests and makes a decision whether to approve or revoke the respective permission.

    This section will help you set assigning rules including the workflow in which the requests need to be reviewed. You can specify multiple certifiers at different stages of the review process as defined in the workflow.

    Steps to configure certifier assigning rule

    1. Click on Certifier Assigning Rule under Access Certification section in the left pane of the Automation tab.
    2. The page displays the existing rules. To create a new rule click the Add New Rule button on the top-right corner.
    3. Enter a suitable Rule Name and Description.
    4. Select the required Business Workflow from the drop-down to be followed while reviewing the access request.You can create a new business workflow by clicking the Create Business Workflow link. To learn more, refer to Workflow.
    5. In the Request Administration section, you can customize the workflow settings. You can select the technician(s) to be assigned as certifiers, the priority at which each action must be executed by the respective certifiers, and set the notifications to be sent at each step of the workflow process.
    6. Note: You can use the "%ObjectManager%" or "%ResourceOwner%" macro to the Assign to option under Reviewer or Approver sections to add the manager of the objects or owner of the entitlement, respectively, to review or approve the access certification request.

    7. To avoid certifiers from reviewing their own requests, select the Exclude Requester checkbox.
    8. Notifications can be enabled or disabled for each action with the option to edit the notification template (Email/SMS/Both). While configuring templates for each action, you can select multiple templates based on the receipient(s). The new templates configured in Notification Profile under Admin Settings will also be displayed while selecting templates.
    9. After you have configured, click the Add Rule button.

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