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Integrate Microsoft 365 with ADManager Plus to unlock advanced user management and reporting capabilities. This webpage enables you to configure account settings, permissions, and features to ensure seamless operations across your Microsoft 365 environment. Start configuring to enhance your management experience.
Before you set out to add a Microsoft 365 account in ADManager Plus, ensure that:
Note: The Microsoft Graph API does not provide functionality for executing the MFA settings management action and editing properties of objects using management templates in ADManager Plus. Therefore, MSOnline PowerShell module is utilized to perform these tasks.
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\full" /v version
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MSOnline.
This will list the module if it is installed.
Uninstall-Module MSOnline
Install-Module -Name MSOnline -RequiredVersion -Force
The following domains must be allowed through your firewall.
Table 1: Domains that must be allowed by Azure AD general cloud users
Module | Endpoint |
REST API | login.microsoftonline.com |
graph.windows.net | |
graph.microsoft.com | |
manage.office.com | |
portal.office.com | |
login.windows.net/common/oauth2/token | |
admin.microsoft.com/fd/CommerceAPI/my-org | |
Exchange Online | outlook.office.com |
outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid |
Table 2: Domains that must be allowed by Azure China cloud users
Module | Endpoint |
REST API | login.partner.microsoftonline.cn |
graph.chinacloudapi.cn | |
microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn | |
manage.office.cn | |
portal.azure.cn | |
login.partner.microsoftonline.cn/common/oauth2/token | |
Exchange Online | partner.outlook.cn |
partner.outlook.cn/PowerShell |
Table 3: Domains that must be allowed by Azure United States cloud users
Module | Endpoint |
REST API | login.microsoftonline.us |
graph.windows.net | |
graph.microsoft.us | |
manage.office.us | |
portal.azure.us | |
login.microsoftonline.us/common/oauth2/token | |
Exchange Online | outlook.office365.us |
outlook.office365.us/powershell-liveid |