License Management

Assign / Remove Licenses

This feature allows you manage the Office 365 licenses that have been applied to the Active Directory users. As per your need, you can use this feature to

  • Add Office 365 licenses
  • Replace Office 365 licenses
  • Remove, only the specific or all Office 365 licenses applied to users


  1. Click the Office 365 tab
  2. Under the Management section, click on Assign/Remove Licenses link
  3. In the 'Assign/Remove License's page, select the appropriate Office 365 account and click the Configure Licenses link
  4. Select the action (add/replace/remove) that you wish to perform from the list of options listed in the 'Assign/Remove Licenses' field
  5. Select the desired User Location
  6. From the list of users displayed, select the users whose licenses you wish to manage. Click the 'Refresh' link if there are no users listed in this page.
    You can also use the search option located at the top of the users list or use the CSV import option to specify the users whose licenses have to be managed via a CSV file.
  7. If there is link present between your on premise Active Directory and Office 365, say through DirSync, then it is possible to filter the Office 365 users based on the AD domains and OUs. Click on the filter icon that appears next to selected Office 365 account to enable the filter. By default users linked to all domains in Active Directory will be displayed. One can select a particular domain.
  8. Under this option it is possible to select particular OUs in the domain and filter the users accordingly.
  9. Click the Apply button to save the changes.

Sample CSV File:

Sample 1: To specify the desired users using their Object Id, mention the attribute 'ObjectId' as the CSV file's header:




Sample 2: To specify the desired users using their user principal name, mention the attribute 'UserPrincipalName' as the CSV file's header:


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Group Based License Modification

This feature allows you to assign, replace, modify or remove the licenses assigned to Office 365 users of specific groups, in bulk.


  1. Click the Office 365 tab.
  2. In the left pane, click Management. Under Azure Active Directory, click License Management.
  3. From the features listed under Bulk License Modification, in the right pane, click Group Based License Modification.
  4. In the Assign / remove licenses field, select the necessary option based on whether you wish to assign, modify, remove or replace the licenses.
  5. Pick the appropriate licenses from the Select Licenses field, and choose a new Usage location, if you wish to change it.
  6. Use the Select Groups field to specify the groups in which the users whose license you wish to manage are located.
  7. To specify the users whose licenses have to be modified, choose the relevant Office 365 Tenant, and enter the users' names in the Select Users field.
    The Select Users field also allows you to locate the desired users using its built-in search option.
  8. From the user accounts listed, select the necessary ones, and click the Apply button located right above the users list to complete the desired license management action.

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