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Business Benefits

Gartner Peer Insights

Holistic View of Business Environment

Applications Manager provides a unified view of your entire business environment and real-time visibility into it. This makes management and monitoring of IT resources easy and eliminates overhead costs of maintaining different management tools.

Eliminate Downtime, Be Available All the Time

Detect problems such as service outages and response time bottlenecks before they affect end users. This saves you from strained customer relationships.

No more firefighting! Problems can be quickly fixed as the root cause is identified through intelligent event processing. Guarantee your customers with unaffected services.

Trends and Forecasts

Monitor the trends, future-proof today's investment. Define your baselines with the comprehensive management reporting mechanism and graphs.

Smart Budgeting

Compliment yourself with

  • newer revenues
  • rapid Return On Investments (ROI)
  • lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • quick and apt investment decisions
  • improved service-level performance
  • minimal upkeep

Resource Optimization

Applications Manager gives a quick view of the load conditions and capacity utilizations to help plan optimal utilization of hardware and software resources.

Employee Productivity

Deployment of Applications Manager is effortless and no formal training is required to work with the product. This increases IT personnel and operator productivity. The operators can spend time resolving issues rather than tracing root cause of problems. Ensures a time-saving workflow.

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Loved by customers all over the world

"Standout Tool With Extensive Monitoring Capabilities"

It allows us to track crucial metrics such as response times, resource utilization, error rates, and transaction performance. The real-time monitoring alerts promptly notify us of any issues or anomalies, enabling us to take immediate action.

Reviewer Role: Research and Development

"I like Applications Manager because it helps us to detect issues present in our servers and SQL databases."
Carlos Rivero

Tech Support Manager, Lexmark

Trusted by over 6000+ businesses globally
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