AssetExplorer Roadmap

The product roadmap provided below lists the features which are currently in progress and a overview of features which would be taken up in near future.

Planning Design Implementation Testing Release


Allow technicians to view only relevant assets based on asset product type and location.

IT Store Management and Movement

Manage and track the movement of assets across store rooms.

RFID Integration

RFID integration for auto tracking asset location and movement.

Asset Check-in/Check-out

Track the entry and exit of assets by using barcode and QR code.

Automatic Component Creation

Create components such as monitors and keyboards while scanning the workstations.

Automatic Component Creation

Create components such as monitors and keyboards while scanning the workstations.

Asset Group Enhancements

Add, view, or display assets groups when assets are associated under Requests/Changes/Problems.

VCenter Authentication

Configure vCenter credentials and scan esxi hosts and virtual machines.

Asset Retirement

Manage and track the asset retirement process.

Dashboard Enhancements

Revamp of Asset tab and Asset Dashboard.

Scan Azure and AWS Infrastructure Assets

Virtual Software License Management

Manage virtual licenses across the network.



To be moved over a new custom module framework, where only business-critical assets and users will be considered CIs.

CI Status Propagation

To bring in 'Status' for CI / Business service (like Up / Down / Partially down). Estimate the impact or severity of an outage through ci status propagation based on (affected) ci interdependencies.


Sync devices from Site24x7 with CMDB.

Fetch devices from Device42 to CMDB.


Support Return of PO

Support item return within PO

PO Workflow

Define the sequence of steps that a purchase order must follow to be processed.

Quote Management

Enable Quote field in PO/PR to include quotes from various vendors.

Vendor Management

Mark registered vendors and black list vendors.

Asset Life Cycle

Define the sequence of the statuses an asset must go through, along with the associated actions for a status change.

Consumable Handling

Manage consumables and used assets.

Site-based Purchase Order Scoping

Allow technicians to view purchase orders only from their sites.


Applications Manager Integration

Auto-populate the relationship between CI dependencies.

Purchase Order Form Customization

Customize, mandate fields, remove, and reorder fields.


Purchase Order Conversations

Collate all system-generated notifications and all replies under the purchase order.

Purchase Order Custom Triggers

Configure custom control when purchase order is added, updated, or deleted.

Audit and Replenish

Periodically assess the status of your assets. Check if the procured assets are available, list the missing assets, and inventory assets that must be acquired. Send notifications for replenishment when quantity of asset drops below a defined threshold.

Audit assets based on barcode or QR code.

Cloud software license management - Office 365

Fetch subscriptions, licenses, and user information from MS Office 365.

Identify unused subscriptions.

Software Metering Enhancements

Integrate Endpoint Central to monitor software usage.

Automatic Categorizing of Managed Software Type

Unidentified software will be automatically categorized as managed software based on database information.

Asset Booking

Allow requesters to book company assets from a central location.

Enable requesters to book assets well in advance; pre-book their assets up to a week in advance

Configure advanced filters for requesters to fine-tune their selection in the asset list.

Display booking slots for available assets.

Allow requesters to select and book more than one asset at a time.

Automate loan entry under for each checked-out asset for each user.

Send email notifications each time an asset is booked, canceled, or extended.

Site Allocation

Automate site allocation for assets based on their IP address.

Custom Triggers and BusinessRules

Configure custom triggers and business rules to control when an asset is added, deleted, or updated.


Integrate with OpManager, Applications Manager, and Site24x7 to populate CI data to auto-populate the relationship between CI dependencies.

Integrate with Solarwinds for inventory and CI Relationships


Be notified of under-licensed software, overwritten machines, and the like.

Notify users in periodic intervals about updates in all fields.



Purchase Orders




Create, edit, update, and delete CIs.


For all assets, users, departments, services that are not CIs

CI rules to auto allocate assets, users, and departments as CIs.

Identify SNMP-based devices.



Create, edit, update, and delete purchase orders.

Asset V3 API

Create, edit, update, and delete assets.

Asset UI Revamp

Bulk update assets and advanced filter in List View.

Asset History

Asset history separation from CI history.


Endpoint Central agent bundeling.

This section will be updated shortly.

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