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How to install Mac Agents using Intune


To successfully install Mac agent using Intune, follow the steps given below:


    1. Login to the product web console and navigate to Agent -> Computers -> Download Agent.
    2. Choose the appropriate remote office and select the operating system as Mac.
    3. Navigate to the folder where the agent is downloaded and extract the zip file and locate UEMS_MacAgent.pkg and serverinfo.plist file.
    4. Rename serverinfo.plist to com.manageengine.ems.plist
    5. Open com.manageengine.ems.plist file and remove the outer content from bottom and top of the file shown below in image:


Steps to Deploy com.manageengine.ems.plist:

  • In the Intune console, Select Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile.
  • Specify the following properties:
    1. Platform: Select macOS
    2. Profile: Select Templates > Preference file.
    3. Click Create.
  • In Basics, enter the name and description. Select Next.
  • In Configurationsettings, configure the following settings:
    1. Preference domain name: com.manageengine.ems
    2. Property list file: Upload com.manageengine.ems.plist
    3. Click Next.

Steps to Deploy com.manageengine.ems.plist

  • Assign the Profile to the devices or group and click Create.

Steps to deploy UEMS_MacAgent.pkg

  • Now to add pkg, Select Apps > All apps > Add. In the Select app type panel, under the Other app types, select Line-of-business app.
  • Under App information, update the following details:
    1. Upload UEMS_MacAgent.pkg.
    2. Set ignore app version as yes.
    3. Delete all app bundle ids except com.manageengine.dcagenttrayicon.


  • Review the create application in Intune as shown in the image below:


  • Assign the App to the devices or group and click Create.

The pkg will find the preference plist deployed before and will install successfully.

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