Unix system log analyzer
Every Unix device generates thousands of syslogs per day. Administrators need to extract information from these logs to make sense of the important events occurring on their Unix systems and servers. This information can in turn be used to rectify issues before the end users feel the impact.

Challenges in manual Unix server monitoring
Manually monitoring the Unix servers' performance needs IT admins to execute the below commands: :
netstat - This command is used to monitor network performance and troubleshoot various network related issues by providing insights into inbound and outbound network connections, routing tables, and a number of network interface and network protocol statistics.
uptime - This command is used to find out how long the server has been up.
ps -aef - This command lists all the processes running in the server.
lsof - This command helps you find all the open files and processes in the system and who opened them.
who - This command helps you to find out who is logged into the Unix system.
last - Shows the history of logins into the system.
However, executing these commands every time when the information is needed is a tough job. Doing manual analysis also has the disadvantage of not being able to correlate and configure alerts when critical events happen in your network.
Auditing Unix system events with EventLog Analyzer
ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer is a comprehensive log management solution that collects, analyzes, correlates, and archives Unix devices' log data to gain insights into network activities.
Highlights of EventLog Analyzer's Unix log management capabilities:
Easy to configure: With EventLog Analyzer, you can discover Linux/Unix devices in your network and enable the logging service on them. The tool then acts as a syslog server and collects the logs in real time.
Intuitive graphical dashboards: EventLog Analyzer is the ideal solution for auditing Unix system events from a single console. It provides a wide array of predefined graphical reports and real-time alert profiles for Unix systems.
Audit anything you need: You can audit Unix system events such as package installs and updates, track important events such as low disk space, and get real-time alerts for security events of concern such as if the syslog service stops.
Simplified incident management: This tool can audit all the events on your Unix systems and alerts you upon i critical and emergency events. Apart from these , you can also track other events on your Unix systems such as cron jobs, session connections and disconnections, deactivated services, and more. At anytime, you can investigate an alert or a group of alerts by marking them as incidents and track its resolution.