Case Study

For Life Management Center, Exchange Reporter Plus turned out to be the final choice to keep mailbox sizes in check.

Exchange Mailbox Size Management Simplified for Life Management Center.

Company : Life Management Center.
Industry : HealthCare
Location : Florida.
About the Company
Life Management Center is a private not-for-profit mental health organization providing comprehensive behavioral health and family counseling services to the residents of Florida since its inception in 1954. With the sole objective of delivering professional help to personal problems like stress reactions, substance abuse and mental illness, Life Management Center caters to the needs of about nine thousand individuals and families each year. The staff base includes people from varied professions like psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychotherapists, counselors and nurses.
About Exchange Reporter Plus
Exchange Reporter Plus is a reporting, change auditing, monitoring, and content search tool for hybrid Exchange environments and Skype for Business. It features over 450 comprehensive reports on various Exchange objects such as mailboxes, public folders, and distribution lists, and also on Outlook Web Access and ActiveSync. It accomplishes granular auditing, monitors Exchange services and endpoints, and helps perform instant mailbox content search.

Business Challenge

Like any other industry, Information Technology had become an indispensable tool for Life Management center in its continuous rendition of behavioral and mental health services. With email communication being such a big part of their operating framework, there were some challenges that required immediate action.

  • Obtaining the mailbox size of users ranked reasonably high in the checklist for Life Management Center. Evaluating the existing mailbox inventory provided the much-needed insights for planning the future Exchange storage capacities.
  • The conventional way of determining the size of mailboxes using VB scripts or Exchange Management Shell was completely ruled out due to the fact that it was not just cumbersome, but also difficult to understand and customize.

All that the Life Management Center needed was an easily deployable and, cost-effective solution to report on all the mailbox statistics at the click of a mouse.

The Exchange Reporter Plus solution

Exchange Reporter Plus with its 450+ reports on all the vital Exchange infrastructure components empowered the Life Management Center administrators to get quick insights on the following mailbox size statistics.

  • ′Mailbox Size′ report listing all the mailboxes with details of both the mailbox size and number of messages.
  • Not just the size, it was now possible to even track the mailbox growth percentage over a period of time with the ′Mailbox Size Growth′ report.
  • The quota limits set for the mailboxes and the current usage percentage against the specified quota limits with the ′Current Mailbox Size vs. Quota′ report.
  • The mailbox size restrictions in place for all the mailboxes with the ′Mailbox Size Restrictions′ report.

Exchange Reporter Plus reporting solution has helped Life Management Center in continuously monitoring the mailbox sizes and in effectively managing the storage space. With the help of the Mailbox Size reports which are easy to configure and generate, the administrators can now notify the end users when the mailboxes reach a specific quota limit. Beyond all these features, the product is simple to use and well within the IT budget.

Exchange Reporter Plus advantage

Beyond the suite of comprehensive Mailbox Size reports that led Life Management Center to purchase Exchange Reporter Plus, they also got to enjoy the following features.

  • A wholesome reporting toolkit with reports on all the vital aspects like Outlook Web Access usage, Email traffic, Mailbox permissions, Mailbox and Public stores.
  • Simple representation of all vital Exchange data in the form of tables and graphs.
  • Data portability by exporting the reports to CSV, XLS, HTML and PDF formats.
  • Automatic scheduling of the Exchange reports in the desired format with the option to email specific exchange users.
  • Finally a simple, intuitive and interactive user interface that lets Exchange data to be managed even blind folded.

Exchange Reporter Plus trusted by

A single pane of glass for Exchange Server Monitoring, Reporting and Auditing
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