
View calendar folder permissions easily using Exchange Reporter Plus

Regardless of an organization's size, there are always going to be users who have access rights over other users' mailboxes. These trusted delegates are intentionally given permissions over mailboxes. In an ideal world, employees other than trusted delegates won't have access rights over important mailboxes' calendars, being limited to only viewing the calendar status (free or busy) for each day. This, however, is not the case in the real world.

In reality, there are a variety of sharing and publishing permissions that users could have over important calendars in your organization. A rogue employee in your organization could gain author, editor, or owner access to your CEO's mailbox and wreak havoc on important schedules. To prevent any unwarranted changes such as this, you, as an IT admin, need to get complete details about shared calendars and calendar folder permissions. Exchange Reporter Plus provides you the help you need by listing all the permissions for user, room, and shared mailbox calendars, and much more!

Report on and audit Exchange Online using Exchange Reporter Plus.

Checking calendar permissions details—the Exchange Reporter Plus way

Checking calendar permissions details—the Exchange Reporter Plus way

Exchange Reporter Plus shows you comprehensive information on calendar permissions, including the user or group with permissions, as well as their access rights.

Exchange Reporter Plus' Calendar Folder Permissions report can be customized to suit your needs, allowing you to:

  • Identify the access rights your users have on all mailboxes.
  • View users' room mailbox calendar permissions.
  • List users' shared mailbox calendar permissions.

This way, you can remain vigilant about the permissions your employees have over the calendar folder of all mailboxes in your organization.

Exchange Reporter Plus is a web-based analysis, monitoring, and change auditing tool for your Exchange servers, including versions 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. It features over 200 unique reports on various Exchange entities such as mailboxes, public folders, Outlook Web Access, and ActiveSync. This all-around reporting solution also has customizable reports that display message details based on keywords in their content, track room mailbox usage, as well as break down email response times. Generate reports and export them to a destination folder and also have them emailed to you at specified times in several file formats, including CSV, PDF, XLS, and HTML. Configure alerts in Exchange Reporter Plus for instant notifications on critical changes that require your attention. Download a free trial today to explore all these features.

Generate reports on Calendar permissions with Exchange Reporter Plus.

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