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To track the internal attacks carried out by malicious insiders, it is vital to monitor the intraorganizational traffic in your Exchange environment. In large organizations, with multiple servers and mailboxes, this can be a tedious task. Filtering the intraorganizational traffic based on the recipient or sender is another big challenge. Exchange Reporter Plus, a reporting, auditing, monitoring, and content search tool, provides exclusive reports which come as an ally to Exchange administrators in performing such tasks.

These reports help you get detailed statistics on all mailbox traffic related activities happening within your Exchange organization. These aid IT administrators in:

  • Checking the number and size of messages sent by specific users and the top senders in your organization.
  • Finding the Exchange user receiving maximum messages both by count and size, and the top recipients on any given day or over a period.
  • Monitoring the email traffic between any two specific Exchange users closely.

List of intraorganizational traffic reports

  • Mails Exchanged Between Users: Shows the size and number of emails exchanged between users.
  • No. of Mails Sent by a Specific User: Shows the number of internal emails sent by a specific user.
  • Size of Mails Sent by a Specific User: Shows the size of internal emails sent by a specific user.
  • Number of Mails Received by a Specific User: Shows the number of internal emails received by a specific user.
  • Size of Mails Received by a Specific User: Shows the size of internal emails received by a specific user.
  • Traffic Between Two Specific Users: Shows the number of internal emails sent between two users during the specified period.
  • Sent Traffic by Domains: Shows the number of internal emails sent by users for each domain.
  • Received Traffic by Domains: Shows the number of internal emails received in each domain.
Exchange intraorganizational and custom recipients traffic reports

Report on and audit Exchange Online using Exchange Reporter Plus.

Custom Recipients Traffic reports sent to custom recipients make it simple to monitor and track the email sent between specific recipients, such as mail-enabled users and contacts. When the report is generated, you can:

  • Identify the important custom recipients who receive the most emails in terms of count and size.
  • Find the number of messages sent to a specific custom recipient.
  • Track the top Exchange users sending the most messages to the custom recipients in terms of both count and size.

List of custom recipient traffic reports

  • Custom Recipients by Messages: Shows the top custom recipients by number of emails received during the specified period.
  • Custom Recipient by Size: Shows the top custom recipients by email size during the specified period.
  • Users of Custom Recipients by Messages: Shows the top users of custom recipients by the number of messages sent to them during the specified period.
  • Users of Custom Recipients by Size: Shows the top users of custom recipients by size during the specified period.

Exchange Reporter Plus supports Exchange Server versions 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019. The tool enables you to customize the mail traffic reports, schedule them to receive automatic updates and export generated reports in four different formats: CSV, PDF, XLS, and HTML.

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