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"Dear Team, Meeting at 3. Venue: 'Convene' conference room, 6th Floor."

Emails such as these are common in any business environment. You prepare for the meeting and head to the 6th floor and enter Convene at 2:55, only to find the room already occupied by not so familiar faces. Now, this is even more common in large organizations. With growing business comes more meetings and the need for meeting rooms. But sometimes locations are unavailable and other times meetings seem to continue forever. And so, it gets difficult to schedule and conduct meetings in physical locations.

Exchange Room Mailbox Reports shows a detailed report on an organization's physical meeting rooms. The administrator simply has to create a room mailbox for each of the meeting rooms. Then, users can add the desired room mailbox to the meeting request. This makes blocking a meeting room easy for the users. The Room mailbox reports cover the following:

Room mailbox details

This report is available under Mailboxes and displays room mailbox details such as room booking status, delegated user(s), room capacity, available booking window, meeting durations, and much more.

Room mailbox details

Equipment mailbox details

View details of the equipment in your organization including:

  • Equipment name
  • Booking window
  • Equipment delegates
  • Maximum duration
Equipment mailbox details

Report on and audit Exchange Online using Exchange Reporter Plus.

The following 3 room mailbox reports are listed under Custom Reports.

Room mailbox usage

Shows Exchange room usage and status of room mailboxes in the organization. Lists the number of meetings held in each room. Also displays the duration of availability and occupancy. Helps users check on the duration of meetings and avoid delays.

Room mailbox usage

User Booking Count

Shows the number of room mailboxes bookings per user across the organization.

User Booking Count


Shows the appointment details in the selected room mailbox, besides the meeting duration and attendee details.

User Booking Count

With Room mailbox reports, admins now have instant access to details such as Exchange room capacity, Exchange room working hours, and Exchange room calendar. It’s now easy to view booking status of Exchange room mailbox, Exchange room names, and the corresponding room mailbox delegates. These reports from Exchange Reporter Plus are supported in Exchange versions 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. These reports can also be exported to a desired folder in CSV, XLS (Excel), PDF (Adobe Acrobat), or HTML formats. Knowing these dynamic details about room mailboxes helps users book and occupy meeting rooms easily.

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