
Secure your Exchange environment with Exchange Reporter Plus

In addition to Exchange reporting and monitoring, Exchange Reporter Plus also functions as a robust Exchange auditing tool that meets all your security needs. If left unsecured, sensitive business information can fall into the hands of rogue users, making it all the more important to audit access and permission changes to mailboxes and public folders.

Exchange Reporter Plus' auditing reports spare you from PowerShell scripting and crawling through tons of logs to get the data you need. Stay on top of security threats by receiving real-time alerts each time a critical change happens in your Exchange Server. This Exchange Server auditing tool allows you to fetch information related to the server access, mailbox permissions, user activities, and more. Supported platforms include:

  • Exchange Online
  • Exchange Server 2003
  • Exchange Server 2007
  • Exchange Server 2010
  • Exchange Server 2013
  • Exchange Server 2016
  • Exchange Server 2019


Audit hybrid Exchange mailbox permission change

Ensure the safety and integrity of mailbox data by auditing users' access rights over mailboxes, such as Send As, Send on Behalf of, and full access permissions. Exchange Reporter Plus enables you to:

  1. Audit non-owner mailbox logons.
  2. Track mailbox permission changes.
  3. Audit admins', delegates', and owners' activities on mailboxes.
  4. View the administrative and client permissions over public folders.

Audit Exchange Server and Exchange Online platforms using Exchange Reporter Plus to get complete details about changes made to folder permissions in both mailboxes and public folders.

Audit mailbox property changes

Keeping track of all Exchange Server mailbox properties can be a tedious task. With this Exchange auditing tool, you can keep track of various property changes performed by the users in your organization all in one console. You can monitor storage quota changes, mailbox size restriction changes, and mailbox movement between servers or databases.

In addition to these Exchange Server audit reports, you can also stay informed about the activation and deactivation of the mailboxes in your organization.

Monitor email content

Breeze through internal investigations in your organization by easily identifying emails in mailboxes and public folders based on keywords in their content. Locate emails based on:

  • Keywords in their subject and body.
  • Attachment name.
  • Attachment type.
  • Attachment size.

Besides these Exchange audit reports on Microsoft servers, Exchange Reporter Plus also helps you to track and monitor databases, DAGs, and distribution lists.

Exchange Reporter Plus functions as an auditing, monitoring, and reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Servers 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Exchange Online. It features over 200 unique reports on various Exchange entities such as mailboxes, public folders, Outlook Web Access, and ActiveSync. This all-around reporting solution also has customizable reports that locate messages based on their content, track room mailbox usage, and break down email response times. Configure alerts in Exchange Reporter Plus for instant notifications on critical changes that require your attention. Download a free trial today to explore all these features.

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A single pane of glass for Exchange Server Monitoring, Reporting and Auditing
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