
Exchange Shared Mailboxes Reporting

While shared mailboxes are great for collaboration, they can cause serious security holes. It's important to audit all of your organization's shared mailboxes to know exactly which users accessed them and when. Exchange Reporter Plus provides granular reports on shared mailboxes and their permissions to keep you in the loop.

  • Shared mailboxes: Get complete details about shared mailboxes in Exchange.
  • Shared mailbox permissions: View the permissions that users and groups have over shared mailboxes.

Shared mailboxes

Shared mailboxes

Using the native Exchange tools can be complex and time-consuming, especially when you want to discover who last logged on to a shared mailbox and when. These sorts of mailbox management tasks involve either checking the attributes on the Exchange Management Console or executing a PowerShell script. Exchange Reporter Plus cuts out the legwork and provides all this information in a single window.

Exchange Reporter Plus allows you to list all shared mailboxes, with details about their email addresses, last logon time, last logon user, server and department name, and more.

Report on and audit Exchange Online using Exchange Reporter Plus.

Mailbox permissions

Mailbox permissions

In most enterprises, a large number of users have access to shared mailboxes. As the enterprise expands, many users unintentionally inherit access to these shared mailboxes. Exchange Reporter Plus allows you to track the permissions (inherited or assigned) that users and groups have over specified shared mailboxes.

With Exchange Reporter Plus, you can:

  • Discover all the Active Directory users and groups that have permissions over the shared mailboxes you select.
  • List the name of each user and group, with information on the access rights they have over select mailboxes, whether the permission is inherited or assigned, if deny permission is set, the user's domain name, and more.
  • Filter permissions by type, including full access, delete item, read, change owner, send as, or external account.

Exchange Reporter Plus gathers information from Exchange Server versions 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. Configure reports so they're emailed to you at specified time intervals in the format of your choice, including PDF, CSV, XLS, and HTML.

Get complete details on all your Exchange Shared Mailboxes without using PowerShell scripts.

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