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Mailbox properties changes reports

Mailbox properties include aspects such as size restriction, quota changes, activation status, and more. Navigate to Audit → Exchange Server → Audit, and click the Mailbox Properties Changes drop-down to generate and view the reports under this category. The reports in this category include:

Mailbox Storage Quota Changes

The Mailbox Storage Quota Changes report tracks the recently modified mailbox quota limits and displays the before and after value for the mailbox quotas. It also provides details about the users who carried out such modifications, their domains, and the timestamp corresponding to the modification. This helps in finding users who make excessive or inappropriate changes to the mailbox properties.

Message Size Restriction Changes

Setting a message size limit for a user′s mailbox controls the size of messages that a user can send and receive. The Mailbox Size Restriction Change report lists the mailbox for which the size limit was changed, while the Remarks column in the report shows whether the size restrictions are newly added, whether existing size limitations are modified, or whether the size restrictions are completely deleted. The New Value and the Old Value indicate the before and after size limit values.

Mailboxes Activated

This report lists all the mailboxes that were recently created or enabled with details of the user who activated the mailbox, the user′s domain, and the activated timestamp value. The Remarks column indicates the attributes added since the mailbox has been activated.

Mailboxes Deactivated

This report lists all the mailboxes that were recently disabled or deleted with details of the user who deactivated the mailbox, the user′s domain, and the deactivated timestamp value. The Remarks column indicates the attributes deleted since the deactivation. The modified homeMDB attribute’s previous value is shown in the Old Value column.

Mailbox Moved

This report lists the mailboxes that were moved from one mailbox store to another across the Exchange organization with details of the user who moved the mailbox and the timestamp. For Mailbox Moved report, the Remarks column will contain the attribute modified value. The new and the old values indicate where the mailbox has been moved.

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