Upgrade to the latest version of Firewall Analyzer!

Version 128188

SHA256 Value:772afa3859b8c44af6b169e0ebaba1516c0bf00c6d306ed5c18cc666b6543dc2

Read and accept the License Agreement before downloading this software.

We recommend our users to move to the latest version of Firewall Analyzer 12.8 (Build 128188) released on August 19, 2024.
In case, you are in previous build, please follow the upgrade path mentioned in the table below.

Current build Upgrade path to the latest build
128000 and above Install the service pack to move to the latest build
127000 to 127317 Install the service pack to move to the build 128003.
126000 to 126329 Install the service pack to move to the build 127007
125000 to 125659 Install the service pack to move to the build 126007
124000 to 124196
Install the service pack to move to the build 125012
12300 Install the service pack to move to the build 124006
12200 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 12300
12000/12100 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 12200
8500 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 12200
8300 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 8500
8200 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 8300
8100/8110 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 8200
8000 Fill this form to get upgrade to build 8200
Less than 8000 Contact Firewall Analyzer Support

Only users with a valid AMS (Annual Maintenance and Support) or Annual Subscription contract are eligible to download Service packs and other upgrades. Refer ManageEngine Support for more details.

Instructions to Apply the Service Pack

Important :
For version 8.5
  • Do not proceed with 12.3 upgrade without taking database backup
  • Do not terminate upgrade procedure prematurely, it will take approximately 5 mins to complete the upgrade from 8.5 to 12.3
For version 12/12.1
  • Do not proceed with 12.3 upgrade without taking database backup
  • If you are trying to apply more than one service pack at a time, you need to restart the Firewall Analyzer Server after applying each service pack and check whether your data is intact in the web client. If you don't have any issues, follow the above steps for applying the other service pack. If you find any issues, do not continue applying the other service pack and contact Firewall Analyzer Support.
  • If Firewall Analyzer has been installed as a root user in a Linux machine, continue with the below procedure logged in as a root user itself.
  • Pre-requisite for context based Cisco Firewalls (Virtual Firewall): The Cisco Firewall IP address should be DNS resolvable from the Firewall Analyzer.

Procedure to apply the service pack (for both Windows and Linux)

Follow the instructions below to upgrade Firewall Analyzer:

Note: To take a backup is essential to revert to the existing build without any loss of data if the upgrade fails due to unexpected reasons.


Step 1: Shut down Firewall Analyzer. (If Firewall Analyzer is running as a service, stop the service also)

Step 2: Take a backup of the entire Data folder from the installed directory to a safe location.

Steps to backup database

PostgreSQL Database

  • Stop the Firewall Analyzer Service.
  • Take the backup for complete Firewall_Home folder as backup.
  • Follow the steps to upgrade Firewall Analyzer.

MSSQL Database:

  • Stop the Firewall Analyzer Service.
  • Take the backup for complete Firewall_Home folder as backup.
  • Take the backup for the firewall database in MSSQL server using SQL Server Management Studio. Please refer the link to take the backup in MSSQL.
  • Proceed with the upgrade steps.

For Firewall Analyzer Enterprise Edition:

  • Stop the Firewall Analyzer Central and Collector Service.
  • Take the backup for complete Firewall_Home folder as backup in both Central and Collector server.
  • Proceed with the upgrade steps in Central server first.
  • Once upgrade is completed in Central server, proceed with the upgrade steps in Collector server.


Step 3: Execute the UpdateManager.bat (.sh in case of Linux) file present in the /bin directory.

Step 4: Click Browse and select the appropriate service/upgrade pack (see the table above) you downloaded.

Step 5: Click Install to install the service pack. This may take several minutes depending on the amount of data that needs to be migrated.

Step 6: Wait until the service pack is fully installed.

Step 7: Click Close and click Exit to exit the Update Manager tool.

Step 8: Start the Firewall Analyzer server/service.


Post Migration Check

Clear the web browser cache before trying to access the web client.


How do I find out my Build number?


  • In the web client, click on the Administrator/User icon in the top right corner of the page.
  • Search for the Build Number among the product details listed in the About tab.
  • Check the image guide above to locate the build number.

Note: An end of support has been announced for Firewall Analyzer versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 12000 to 12200.

Need Help?
You can contact Firewall Analyzer Support at any time for assistance in upgrading Firewall Analyzer to the latest build. Customers using build less than 6000, please contact Firewall Analyzer Support to upgrade to the latest build.


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